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Y/n's pov

It was just a normal day at school.
Selina and Andy came towards me running..

I waved at them and they started talking about anything and everything as usual.. I was actually very shy, but around them, I was careless, messy, angry, and yes funny. They knew the real me. But around everyone else i was the girl everyone knows as boring.. No i am not the nerd or neither am i a typical class topper.

Suddenly I thought about Jungkook who I had not seen from the morning.. He is my best friend, if he's there, then I feel like, everything is good and cheerful but when he's not around I feel like something's missing.. A part of me is not with me. I don't know maybe I think too much.

Okay so honestly I love Jungkook, he is my life.. I don't know why Selina and Andy always says that when me and Jungkook, we both are together,we don't care about anyone or anything around us.

So my mood was off because i didn't saw him yet, but I had hope that he'd come soon because he never misses school without letting me know and probably I am too early today..

There he is running towards me. I jumped because he suddenly appeared in front of me and hugged him. "Why are you so late, you jerk" I said.
"Aww someone missed me" He said
"Oh fuck off then" I said laughing.

Okay so, Selina likes Jungkook for months now, kind of likes him more than a friend.. I was okay with that but whenever she talked about him to me I didn't like it but I kept it to myself because I don't want to hurt her because she was my closest friend, and whatever, Jungkook is only my best friend, I kept thinking that maybe I had feelings for him but I was not sure..

"Where is Selina and Andy? Didn't you meet them" Jungkook asked me casually. Since Jungkook is my best friend, I always tease him about everything. I know he also didn't dislikes it when I do that..

"Oh look Selina's boyfriend is sad because he didn't see her and I am not letting him go, so sad" I fake cried..

"Oh please not again, I am marrying you anyways" He laughed playfully.

"Sure, I am yours" I said. I don't know how he thinks about me but I actually like him when he's like this, he doesn't like me that way. I am overthinking now.

"What? Are you gonna stand there and day dream about your ugly future? Come on" Jungkook called me. And I realized I was actually lost in my thoughts..

We went to the class which was Geography.

He sat next to me. I felt like I was the luckiest person in the world when he's right next to me.. It's not just because he's handsome or caring, but something's different about him. Whenever I am around him I feel different.

Jungkook's pov

Should I just confess to Y/n. She's the love of my life. I just can't let her go. I have to confess my feelings, before someone actually tries to steal my love from me.. But maybe she doesn't like me. Maybe she'll never accept me. I don't want to loose her.. I am afraid that she will never talk to me again. I don't know what am I gonna do then. I still remember when I jokingly proposed her in 5th grade and she said "ew wtf".. whatever i just shrugged my thoughts off.

Suddenly I heard the bell "Children the class's over. Thank you." The teacher said and left..

When I looked beside me, she was not there.. Ughh did she went to see her 'senior crush' again. I hate this.

I looked for her. There she is, with two of her friends.. How could she just leave me like that..

I went to her. But she walked away from me with a broken look. What happened to her.. Why is she ignoring me, something's wrong. She can't be like this.
Maybe she likes someone else, and getting irritated by me. I hate it the most when she's sad

Y/n's pov

The class was just going to end and Selina dragged me by my shoulder to all the way up to the locker, and she started talking about Jungkook, that how he admires her and she thinks that Jungkook's going to propose her soon.
She was too excited and continuously talking about him that she loves him and she wants to be his girlfriend and she'd never leave him... And all of that.
I was broke. I was dying inside knowing that Selina my closest childhood friend loves Jungkook and she also thinks that Jungkook likes her very much.. I just felt unwanted and sad, very sad.

Just then, I saw Jungkook walking towards me being worried.. Maybe he's worried or irritated that I know that something's going on between him and Selina. Maybe he wants me to be away from him. I feel like there is no one for me..
I started walking away from Jungkook with a rude face. And then I ran to the washroom locked the door and cried the whole period.

What if he actually proposes her.. Why am I even like this. He is my best friend, he doesn't see me like that. And the main thing is why would he like someone like me.. Someone who is good for nothing. Maybe I should forget him.. I should forget about all this.. And be happy.
After all, both of my forever single best friends would be in a relationship, there is nothing I can do but just seeing them happy in front of my eyes. So I should just forget all of these. I should let him go.

Warm tears running down my face, and I just realised I was sobbing.

I went out of the washroom with red eyes and a swollen face. I went to the nurse and said that "I am not feeling well and I feel like dying because my head is paining, I also feel like I will be fainting soon" I lied because I don't wanna go back to the class seeing Jungkook with Selina.. Just fake smiling at me knowing that I'll be sad to know the truth.

I lied to the nurse and bunked the rest of the classes.

The school was over and I went to our classroom to take my bag. When everyone's gone.. While I was heading to the class I saw Selina in the washroom.. She smiled and said "I am going first, I have to go early today, take care bro"

I went inside the class room and took my bag and thought of walking fast so that I can just go home soon.. I don't want to be here..

Just when I was thinking about running away without Jungkook. I saw his bag laying at the last bench.

I just smiled being broke and walked away without him.

When I was outside the school I was walking alone, slowly, I don't know why but I was still crying..

Then someone called my name.. "Yahh, you idiot stop right there, you wanna die?" I knew it was Jungkook..

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