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21.  I am 21 today and the crazy thing is, I am in love.  21 and in love.  Logan had took my heart and made me re-think everything.  But the thing that shocks me the most is that he made me fall in love with him.  Desperate everything I put myself through, he makes me think that that this world is not so cruel.

I walked into the office, with a smile on my face and my heart ready to see Logan.  I walked into the office and saw that Cassy, Shawn, Logan, and Logan's lawyer.

"Good morning Miles." Cassy said with a smiled.  She is actually really beautiful but the way that she is looking at me tells me that she is broken to see me. 

"Good morning Mrs.Stephen." I all watch as they are prepared to tell me something.  Logan looked the most stressed right now, Cassy coming in close but I set down all my things. 

"Anyways, if you guys would sign here." The lawyer said.  I looked at Logan and he grabbed a pen, Shawn looked at me and took a deep breath. 

"How about Miles and I go-"

"No, we are almost done and Cassy needs to get to work." Logan cut his older brother off.  Cassy signed the paper and hand it to the lawyer. 

"I will be staying with my sister, I will be sure to come get stuff sometime this weekend." Cassy said.  Logan nodded his head and got up.  Logan walked all of them out and I took a deep breath, when Logan came back in he looked at me right away.

"What was that about?" I asked.  Logan gone and sat down at his desk.  He pulled out papers without saying a word.  I nodded my head and continued working.

"Want your birthday present now?" Sorry what!?  I looked at him, shocked.  I didn't want a birthday present or anything!  "You never told me I couldn't get you one."  I took a deep breath.

"Only if you tell me what that was about." Logan smirked and chuckled a little.  He grabbed a card and got up.

"Let me tell you in your new office." Logan walked out into the hallway and I walked with him.  He opened up a single wooden door using the card just like his.

"You shouldn't have-"

"Well I did.  Plus, I am thinking about keeping you here and you need your own little place." I looked and saw that it was perfect.  It had a big window just like Logan's but the only difference was the desk and the drews. 

"Logan..." is all I could say, I don't even know why I am so shocked by this.  It is just an office.  "Thank you."  I could help but smile.  I turn around to see Logan looking down at me with a smirk. 

"I also want to show you one more thing." Logan grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the office, he walked up to the bookcase that was on the left.

This was the room.  That night where me and Logan kiss for the first time.  Now instead of the chair sitting in front of the bed there was just the bed.  The room was all red and lightly lit up with red.  I looked on the wall and saw that there were some...toys.  I smiled at them and than back to Logan.

"This is our safe room.  For business and..." he voice trailed out as he started to walk over to me, I took a deep breath as I look behind me for a second and put two and two together, I walked backwards and soon found that Logan flipped me around. "Personal, business"

My heart stopped as I relized I was sitting on Logan's lap.  Logan started to unbutton my shit as I was playing with his hair. 

"What's the safe room?" I want to hear Logan talk to me into detail what he plans to do to me when I am in here.

"The safe room is what I like to call my kingdom.  I control what happens.  I make the rules." Logan whispered started to drive me crazy. "I have 3 rules."

Logan took the shirt off my shoulders and it dropped onto the floor.  I moved my hands to Logan's face as I felt the warm air touch my back.  The room his getting very warm.

"Rule one, you only say yes sir and no sir.  You should barely say no sir through because the only time when your allowed to say No sir is when ai ask for your consent.  You got that?" That was a lot and with my boner I feel already weak.

"Yes sir..." I responded.  Logan grabbed my throat and I pulled closer.

"Rule 2, I control you in here.  I do what I want.  But if you really don't want me to do something, you say..." he looked at me and his dark brown eyes are make me shake.

"No sir." I whispered, Logan smirked and started to lay down but he quickly grabbed mh hips and turned me on my back.  I lost my breath and slowly brought my eyes to his.

"Rule 3, do not bring anyone in here without me...you don't know what people might try to do with all these...toys around." He looked scared but confident at the same time.  Very protective.  "Do you understand?"

"Yes sir..." I said out of breath.  Logan let out a soft laughed and I bent down to kiss him on the neck.

"Good boy."

My Boss's And I's Affair (ManxBoy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon