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A/N- This is Arya Stark POV !!

Back in her old quarters in Winterfell, Arya felt home.

She knew she would miss the old sound of hammering by the smithy, the huge simpleminded Hodor, the sounds of Rickon playing merrily, the curtsies of Sansa, and most of all, the loving hugs of her father. But now she was home, at last.

Arya spied the old cloak that she and Nymeria had knitted way back when they were only newly friends. She picked it up, and studied the old leather knit which had fallen apart all these years. She smiled, and spread the cloth over her bed, where Nymeria lay. She had been unconscious all these four days, but Arya was sure she would survive. 

She spread the cloth over the big black direwolf, who did not make a sound. 

The past few days after the Battle for Winterfell had been hectic. Rhaegar Targaryen and Daenerys Targaryen had set the whole of the remaining survivors to repair the Wall, which had been apparently breached by the Horn of Joramun. Arya vaguely remembered something about Joramun, but the fact that the Wall had fallen terrified Arya. And nothing terrified her normally.

The Night's Watch had suffered multiple casualties, among them Jon's friend Grenn, who had taken atleast ten arrows. Samwell Tarly had arrived just before the battle, and he had a broken leg. Jon himself was injured, but Arya knew he would get through it. 

As for their own casualties, the most important was Stannis Baratheon. Arya heard that he had fought bravely and vigorously. Stannis had been brave in his own past, Arya recalled. Stannis's daughter Shireen had cried so much, she could only be subdued by a peasant called Tysha. Daenerys agreed to accept Shireen as her ward. Their other deaths included Tristifer Botley, a certain suitor of Lady Asha Greyjoy, and a sellsword called Daario Naharis. 

The latter interested Arya more, especially after when she saw Daenerys mourn Daario with a huge pyre. "He deserves it," Daenerys was heard to say. Rhaegar and Aegon had stood beside her at that moment. 

Now Arya understood the three headed dragon of Targaryen. Rhaegar was the noblest, and undoubtedly the most powerful. Daenerys controlled the dragons. Aegon had the best fighting spirit. All combined, the Targaryens were a beautiful and deadly team.

As for Tysha, Arya felt no hard feelings towards her. After all, she was the person who kept Nymeria safe and sound when Arya was far away. 

Suddenly, Nymeria stirred. 

Arya turned around swiftly. 

The direwolf was standing and sniffing at the cloth Arya had laid on the bed. Arya smiled, and hugged Nymeria. The direwolf sniffed, and then wrapped her paws around Arya.

"Hey, littie sister," Jon's voice suddenly interrupted.

Arya whirled around. "Jon!" she jumped up to hug him.

Jon laughed. "Have care, my shoulder has a cut."

"Oh." Arya dropped down and kicked Jon in the thigh.

"Hey!" Jon said.

"Did that hurt?" Arya asked.

Jon took a moment to consider. Then he realized Arya's logic, and hugged her tight. Now it was Arya's turn to laugh.

Oh, I so wish he was my brother, not my half-brother, thought Arya.

It did not take long for Bran to find them, with Meera Reed driving his wheelchair. Then the three Starks shared an energetic reunion, until Sansa came, when it turned emotional.

After they were done, Sansa looked at Nymeria. "I'm so sorry for what I did that day," Sansa said.

Arya was confused. "Which day?"

"I never meant to lie about Nymeria." Sansa explained.

Arya smiled. "I know."

Later that day Arya visited the Targaryens. "Arya Stark! How fares your direwolf?" asked Rhaegar.

"Good. How fares the dragon Viserion?" she replied. Viserion had got hit in the battle, but not critically.

Aegon spoke up, the person who rode him. "Fairly well. How are you?"

"I am good, my prince." said Arya.

Daenerys laughed. "You don't need to curtsy towards us, Arya. Friends treat each other equally."

Rhaegar smiled. "Yes. Daenerys is correct."

The whole day, Arya had a good time. At night, Rhaegar made the announcement all of them were waiting for. 

"As soon as the repair of Winterfell and the Wall is done, we will be advancing south towards King's Landing, to claim the throne that is rightfully mine," he said.

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