19. A Crush

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Rowan Bailey

"Oh, sweetheart, it's so lovely to see you again," Narcissa welcomes me with a warm hug.

Narcissa always took care of me with Draco when I wasn't home, I used to come here when mom and father needed to 'talk'. I knew it was code for fighting, because when didn't they fight? That's why Cissy always kept an eye out for me, even if mom probably asked her to; she still does, at least.

Cissy and mom were quite close, she said they met during their first year at Hogwarts. She told me they weren't so much of the good kids. I'm glad someone can still tell me stories about her.

"It's so nice to be here," I say, hugging her back.

"Thank you for inviting us." Grandpa stands aside, smilingly. 

She let go of me, "It's our pleasure, truly."

"Well, come on in." Lucius welcomes both of us in.

Lucius wasn't the biggest talk with me, but he sure tries. He kept an eye out on Draco most of his time, I always notice he wanted nothing but perfection from that kid. At least he's somewhat better than my 'father', right?

Narcissa can't stop herself from holding onto my arms, "Let me get a quick look at you," she studies my blue eyes, my straight light brown hair, and my scar, "just like your mother." she rubs my scar with her thumb and gives me a confused look. She then moves my hair away from my neck, leaving a view of my love bite. Shit.

I stop the tension between her and my love bits, "So, where's Draco?" I could hear my own awkward tone. 

"Draco, won't come out of his room. It's been all day," she responds, letting go of my arms, but not looking away from my scar or love bites.

"Oh-" I place my hair back to the front.

She studies my eyes back and forth, sending a small smile after a while, "If you want you can go ahead and try, I've done everything I can."

"Okay, I'll be back." I smile and walk past them.

I go up to his room, the same room as always; in the same big house, as always.

I knock on the door.

No answer.

The door wasn't completely closed. Through the crack, you could see Draco laying in bed. Of course.

I walk through and without making a noise, I close it behind me.

I look to see the picture frame I made for him was face down on his desk, before I could grab it he saw me, "What are you doing here?" He stays in bed, facing me.

"Your mom said you haven't come out all day." I walk towards him, arms crossed.

He kept talking in his sleepy voice, "So?"

"So," I scoff, "I'm here to pull you out." I grab his arm.

"Not a chance."

"Fine," I drop his arm, "Would you like me to drag you down the stairs or-"

"Very funny," he mumbles, annoyed. 

"Oh, come on. They made food and everything."

He rolls over and groans, "They always do."

"Come on-" I fix his hair on the back. I see his eyes widen as I do, but he stays facing the other way. "No."

I sigh and sit on the floor, laying my back on the side of his bed.

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