Author's Note

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Ah! Okay! I've never done an Author's Note before but just wanted to share some information.

I apologize that the updates have been so slow! I have a group of later chapters written, but am conflicted on how to connect them to where we are now. It may be slow for a little longer - school and the *pandemic* have been kicking me in the butt - but after that the updates should be more regular.

I recently posted the first chapter of my new book, Stealth, that I'm super excited about. Most of my updating/writing energy will still go to Starborne, but I would love if you guys checked that one out!

Finally, I thank you all for your support! I know how I want Holly's story to go, but I would love it if you guys shared what you like/don't care for moving forward! This is my first book ever, so I'm a bit insecure about my creative choices or ability to facilitate character development. Comments and votes go such a long way for me! When I feel confident about the story, it makes me so much more motivated to continue writing.

All your lovely words mean the world to me. I have a vision for these characters, for them to be more real, multi-faceted. That means they will make mistakes, and have some baggage. I'm thinking Starborne will be about 30-40 chapters when completed, at which point I will move into editing. Some of the early chapters are super rough, and I apologize if any of the Novum or background stuff is conflicting. This is a work in progress, and one of my goals is to go back and give the supporting characters more history and personality.

Finally: what are your opinions on doing a chapter from Stefin's POV? Yes, no, absolutely not? I'm definitely game for it, Holly is getting in all the last words here!

Thank you again for sticking with Starborne! Remember to please check out my other book, and happy reading!

P.S. The song I have been *vibing* to when writing this is "Rewrite the Stars" from the Greatest Showman. Zendaya and Zac Efron are an iconic duo, and I think the song perfectly fits Holly and Stefin. Give it a listen, and let me know if you agree! (Watch the music video too. Oh. My. God. Can I be Zendaya?)

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