The Two Blonde Strangers By Ashley Meyerink

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Chapter 1

I am walking through a garden with the biggest palace I have ever seen behind it. It isn't the palace or the garden that has my attention; I am trying to find someone. I don't know who, there is just a voice telling me to find him. But every time I turn towards the voice all I find is fog.

What you don't want to hear first thing in the morning is your roommate's music blaring. When I try to go back to sleep, I hear a knock on my door. Then of course my roommate's voice comes from the other side of the door, "Maddie you better start getting ready for work it's already eight o'clock". I look at my phone. "I must have overslept. I'll be out in a few minutes", I told her. When I finally get ready and walk out of my room, I find my roommate Emily waiting for me by the door. When she sees me, she looks impatient and says, "About time. Did you stay up late last night or something? You're never late".

"I don't know what happened today. I was having the weirdest dream. I need to stop watching those shows about aliens right before bed," I say.

"You must be excited about your date tonight. And yes, you do watch the craziest shows on aliens that are walking among us."

"One of these days I am going to find an alien and it will be all because of those crazy shows," I say with a laugh. We both laugh as we walk out of our apartment and get in my vehicle. Once we get in and start driving across town towards the doctor's office we both work Emily at she looks at me and says, "Oh yeah I almost forgot it's the big six months for you and Ben. So, what are the big plans for you two?" I turn down the road our work is on before I answer her, "I think just the typical dinner and a movie."

"You don't sound overly excited about that. Do I have to call him and make sure he plans something exciting for you," Emily says with a grin.

"No, I am excited about the date. It doesn't matter to me what we do, just being with him makes me so happy. I am just still freaked out about the dream I had."

She looks at me with a worried look on her face, "You have had weird dreams since I have met you, and you never acted this weirded out before." I turn to look at her before I say, "It just seemed so real. I could feel like I was so close to finding out who I was supposed to find." Then she says, "Well it was just a dream." I don't say anything else; there isn't much to say.

Before long we get into the parking lot of the doctor's office and we see our boss Dr. Patrick walking inside. "We better get inside before he notices were running late", Emily says as we get out of my vehicle. I was lucky to find this job when I didn't have the qualifications for it. I was working at a café when Dr. Patrick came in to get a coffee. When found out that I was looking for another job he mentioned how they needed someone, so he gave me a chance. It was fate that had us meet that day. Through me getting that job I met Emily, and through being friends with Emily she introduced me to Ben. The workday goes by as usual, just making sure the patients are comfortable while they wait for the doctor, until lunchtime when flowers were delivered. I was surprised when the person said they were for me. When I read the note inside the flowers it said, "To my Maddie, can't wait to see you tonight. Make sure you wear warm clothes tonight. Love you're not so secret admire Ben". "Warm clothes eh... well I guess it's more than just dinner and a movie", says Emily after she reads the note, "You're so lucky you found him. Hold on to him, guys like that are hard to find". She would know better than anyone I know. In the two years I know her she has had countless heartbreak. She finds a guy a falls head over heels then he ends up breaking her heart.

What I don't tell Emily is that during the whole day I felt like someone was watching me. I would turn to where I felt someone standing there, but no one would be there. The feeling of being watched was so strong. I could almost tell what the person looks like just by the feeling from somewhere I can't place.

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