Just a Ride

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I'm so sick of her. I'm sick of they way her dimples pop out when she laughs, I'm sick of all the freaky shit she posts when it gets late, I'm sick of how sexy she looks when she makes eye contact with me. I'm so fucking sick of her not knowing what she's doing to me.

'Maybe she's doing this on purpose- no that doesn't make any fucking sense'.

God, its been so long since I've tasted her. I was her first kiss, after all, but then I kissed the girl she hates skylar- but then again I kissed her after that and she seemed fine with it- but then again that was freshman year and we're juniors now. I just wish I could have her one more time, I wish I could have taken her virginity-but if I'm correct someone else took my job. However, I'm determined to get her, and I'm gonna fuck her so good that she'll never want to be with another guy again.

After School
Soccer practice was so long today, and then on top of that coach kept me later after practice ended for no reason, and now its after 6. I'm just ready to get in my car and go home. As I was walking out of the field house, I spotted a girl with tight spandex on and a blue t-shirt on. I know that ass from anywhere, she turned her head to confirm my suspicion. Her eyes locked with mine. She then had a look of confusion.

"Hey Bryson, why are you still here?" She asked

I smirked. "I don't know, why are you still here. Taliyah?"

She rolled her eyes, she hates when people call her Taliyah. She likes for people to call her Liyah instead, which I'll never understand-Taliyah is such a beautiful name.

"My car broke down last week, and then on top of that I don't have my house key because my stepmom took it so she could copy it." She blew out some hair in her face. She had long curly hair that was currently put up in a bun but some pieces still fell in her face-snap out of it.

I cleared my throat. "So how are you getting home?"

She looked down at her phone.

"Well I don't really know, because even if I do get a ride I don't have a way to get in my house and my sister doesn't get off till 9 and-" she looked at the time "its only 6:23 right now."

I thought about it for a little while. I don't like her being here with no one around, something could easily happen to her.

'But would she be okay with that?-well there's only one way to find out'

"You wanna come home with me for a little while? At least until your sister gets off of work, you need to eat something- I know you've been out of practice for a while."

She raised her eyebrow. "Wow Bryson, it seems like you actually care- or is this just a sly attempt to get in my pants?"

I raised my hand. "I just wanna make sure you're safe, scouts honor."

She gave me a small laugh. "Alright where's your car?"

I walked her to the car and we both threw our bags in the back.

As I drove to my house, I watched her she looked- dare I say- relaxed.

I pulled up to my house in less 5 minutes. I live pretty close to the school. We got out the car and walked. I have a simple one story house.

"Would you like anything to drink?" I asked her as she sat her stuff down.

"Um no I'm good- is anyone home?" She asked as she played with the fruit in the bowl on the kitchen counter.

"Nah. My parents are on a business trip, one of my brothers is in college and the other is at work."

She nodded her head, "I know this might sound weird but do you mind if I take a shower, I'm really sweaty from practice."

Just a Ride(18+)Where stories live. Discover now