#101- not anymore -DDM

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||y/n/n- your nickname||
||summary: your mother starts getting abusive and your father decided to leave her taking you guys along with him ||

y/n POV:

I was up again tonight listen to my parents fighting once again while ally was asleep curled up into my side afraid, our mother has been getting really abusive lately and gets drunk a lot and dad always has to deal with her.

She's hitten me a few times and she's hit ally too, and for no reason, she's like a school bully, but at home.

" look maybe you should just relax and go to bed please, you'll feel better in the morning " I heard my dad say as my mother soon started yelling again

" SHUT UP, you don't tell me what to do " she yelled as I heard my dad groan she must have hit him because soon there was a sound of glass breaking

I slowly walked into there room and I saw her on top of dad and she was hitting him I couldn't see him get hurt so I ran up to her and pushed her off of him

" mom stop please " I begged as I tried blocking her from hitting him but she swung back around and slapped me making me fall back hitting my back against the wall as I turned around to see ally by the door holding her teddy bear with tears running down her cheek

" are you alright " dad asked as I shook it off and said yes truth was it kinda stung

" I've never loved any of you all you guys do it ruin everything and my life " she said charging at me

" STOP IT PLEASE MOMMY STOP " Ally screamed and cried as I tried to take cover before I saw dad get up and grab her from behind

" both of you got to your room
y/n, now we're leaving pack a bag for you and your sister " he said as I nodded getting up picking up ally holding her close

I got out her suitcase packing a few things like tshirts and comfortable pants and socks and all that and 2-4 shoes

" why's mommy being so mean to us and daddy " ally asked as I zipped up her 2nd suitcase that had a few stuffed animals and little things she liked to play with

" well because mommy isn't really herself right now and she's just a big meanie " I said grabbing her bags bringing them to my room so I could start packing

I then felt a sudden pain in my back where I crashed into the wall so I turned on the light and asked y/n to check

she then gasped as she proceeded to say  " you've got a dark mark on you y/n, did mommy do that " she said as I ran into my bathroom to look in the mirror I now had a dark nasty bruise on my lower back

" it's alright come on just lay down here's my phone you could watch something " I said passing it to her as I then started backing my bags of clothes and essentials

" YOUR CRAZY YOUR FU*KING CRAZY DO YOU KNOW THAT SCARY OUR KIDS LIKE THAT HURTING THEM WHATS WRONG WITH YOU " dad said shouting as ally whimpered and cried moving closer to me as I held her telling her everything would be alright

we then heard the door knob jingling thinking it was mom but it was dad with tears in his eyes and a dark mark around his left eye

" here are the keys put your stuff in the car wait for me in there " he said as I nodded grabbing my bags as ally did the same

once we got to the front door our mom was there

" your not going anywhere " she said ripping the bags off of ally

" STOP get off of me " ally tried fighting back before she smacked ally to the ground making her scream " DADDY "

" your not leaving either " she said walking towards me as I shook my head helping ally up as she sobbed saying her bottom hurt

" your not hurting us anymore you don't deserve the title of a mother if your treating your family this way " I said as she was about to hit me again until dad grabbed her arm making her wince

" we won't be back and you will never see us again and you WONT be hurting us, not anymore " dad said grabbing ally and opening the door taking the ring off her finger and leading us out the door to his car

" daddy where are we going " ally asked as she leaned into me in the backseat

" we're going to see grandma Maura and grandpa bobby " dad said looking back at us as as ally leaned into my side, " just you girls go to sleep don't worry everything's gonna be just fine

we both nodded cuddling into each other falling asleep.

a random amount of times passed and we were being shaken awake

"come on we're here go straight to bed we will talk in the morning" dad said as I nodded

" take your sister to her room you go to yours unless she wants to sleep with you then fine " dad said as I nodded carrying ally in saying hi to grandpa at 12 in the morning

Me, ally and dad all had a room in grandmas house because she always knew this day would come

I brought ally to her room but she begged to sleep with me in mines because she was scared so I let her sleep with me where she Immediately went back to sleep

a few minutes later dad came in to check on us and kiss us goodnight slowly leaving and closing the door

i had a lot of questions and thoughts and wonders about tomorrow's conversation on what had happened tonight


should I do a part 2 of this 👀
like I don't wanna make this to long but idk yet

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