𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 ~ 𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘶𝘦𝘴

168 44 159

When I wake, with the sunlight pouring through the windows, and Ed's body still entangled with mine, everything just feels so right—so perfect.

"Morning, sleepyhead." Ed mumbles, pressing a kiss to my bare shoulder.

"Morning, gorgeous." I roll over, greeting him with a kiss to the lips.

"Last night was just..." His eyes lock onto mine and lets out a low whistle.

"I know." I beam, "I know."

"What do you want for breakfast?" He asks.

"Hmm, I think I'll have an almond milk coffee for starters, some toast for mains, and for desert...Thaddeus Reiley Junior." I grin up at him.

"I'm totally up for another round if you are." His eyes open wide at me.

I laugh and shift in the bed, noticing the slight pain between my legs. My laughter turns into a wince, "Not today, I don't think."

Ed bolts into sitting straight up, "Did I hurt you?"

"No, not at all." I shake my head, "It's just been a while."

"How long?" He tilts his head at me, "If you don't mind me asking?"

I mumble out my answer inaudibly, hidden by a cough.

Ed raises an eyebrow, "Skye?"

"Six years." I finally pick up the courage to say.

"Holy crap...so, how many guys have you, you know, done it with?"

I force a smile, "You're my second."

"Skye, baby." He smooths my messy bed hair down, "You should've told me; I would've been gentler, slower."

I shake my head, "No, it was great. I'm only a little sore because..." I blush, "Well, because you're really big."

Ed laughs awkwardly, "Sorry?"

"No, don't apologise." I smile, "It's a good sore."

"Okay." He kisses my forehead, "We can just have a relaxed day today."

"Was there some sort of big plan?" I frown.

"Not really." Ed shrugs, "I've made love with you, so I'm pretty content."

"I'm very content." I smile back and lie against his chest, listening to his strong heartbeat.

A few minutes later, I reach over to the bedside table and turn my phone on, even though I don't recall turning it off last night.

It's a wonder my phone doesn't die when it receives a ton of texts from my mom.


Skye you need to come home.

You don't belong in California.

You're wasting your life.

You're a disappointment.

You need to stop screwing around and come home.

"Everything okay?" Ed asks, voice full of concern.

"Define 'okay'." I respond and hand my phone to him.

He quickly reads through the texts, "This is definitely not okay."

His own phone starts ringing so he picks it up, "Hello? Hi, Dad...yeah, I'm out on my yacht, I slept the night here..." He throws a glance and an eye roll at me about his dad, "Soph was staying over at her friend's...what do you mean, 'we're never in the house'?" His voice gets progressively angrier, as he stands up and begins pacing the room, wearing nothing but his underwear. "Maybe it's because you beat me...no, I'm not alone...yes, I'm with Sk— NO! She's not a waste of time, I love her and right now she means more to me than you."

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