Tarantallegra & Monopoly

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        We were sitting at the Gryffindor table, Hermione with her nose in a book that was written by Lockhart himself while Ron tries putting Spellotape on his wand, which didn't work like normal. "Say it. I'm doomed." Ron sighed. "You're doomed." Harry and I stated. Before someone could answer a bright light flashed in front of Harry and I. "Hiya, Harry. I'm Colin Creevey. I'm in Gryffindor too." Colin said. "Hello, Colin. Nice to meet --" Harry tried to say, but boy was this kid a talker. "They're for my dad -- the pictures. He's a milkman, you know, a Muggle, like all our family's been until me. No one knew all the odd stuff I could do was magic till we got my letter from Hogwarts. Everyone just thought I was mental." Colin explained. "Imagine that," Ron said sarcastically. Owls streamed into the Hall as Ron had a homicidal look on his face. "Post is here!" Dean exclaimed. Errol plopped his beak into Ron's soup delivering a Howler.

        "Bloody bird's a menace -- Oh... no," Ron said. "Heads up, everyone. Weasley's gotten himself a Howler." Seamus announced to the whole cafeteria. "Go on, Ron. I ignored one from my Gran once... and it was horrible." Neville assured. Ron looked pale and clenched the red envelope between Errol's beak. "RONALD WEASLEY! HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CAR! I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED! YOUR FATHER'S NOW FACING AN INQUIRY AT WORK AND IT'S ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT! IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE WE'LL BRING YOU STRAIGHT HOME!" Molly's voiced thundered through the cafeteria making plates and spoons rattle. "Oh, and Ginny dear. Congratulations on making Gryffindor. Your father and I are so proud." She said softly towards Ginny. "And Y/n, please make sure that Ginny won't turn stupid like her brother's, even though she will never be like them she'll need someone to depend on." Ginny and I made contact and she went back to the journal she was writing in. All the Weasley's plus Harry, Hermione, and I were in shock. "Look at it this way. How much worse can things get?" Harry assured.


        "Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher. Me. Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League and five times winner of Witch Weekly's MostCharming-Smile Award -- But I don't talk about that. I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at her!" He waited for laughter but only got some weak smiles. "I see you've all bought a complete set of my books. Well done. I thought we'd start today with a little quiz. Nothing to worry about. Just to check how well you've read them, how much you've taken in..." He hands out the papers for the test. "Look at these questions. They're all about him." Ron said disgusted and I scoffed. "Professor," I said standing up gaining the attention of everyone. "Yes, Y/n?" He asks. "I refuse to take a test that isn't educational, and besides your life is shit. You lie to everyone." I stated throwing the test in the trash. "That's very unnecessary, Y/n." He said. "Well, sometimes the truth may seem unnecessary, but you're just a phony." I gave him a smile as he boiled with anger. "Y/n, sit down and take the test. Now." He demanded. "I think I'll pass." I grabbed my stuff and went to the door. "Oh, right," I said turning to face him. "I'd like some humor in the class so, Tarantallegra." He started dancing as I walked out of the room.

        "Miss L/n, care to explain why you're not in class?" Snape's monotone voice said behind me. "Well, promise you won't get mad?" I asked. "I don't do promises, now tell me." He said with his voice getting louder. "Why should I tell you anyway, you'll just give me detention," I stated. "You're worse than your parents, L/n." He said. "Do not talk about my Aunt and Uncle like that!" Draco said, coming to stand next to me. "If anything, they're better than you. And she's the smartest Slytherin I know! And what she did in Defense Against the Dark Arts was hilarious." Draco defended. "Glad I taught you well." He whispered into my ear before dragging me away to the Slytherin common room. "We're so going to get detention," I said plopping onto the couch. "What are you guys doing in here?" Blaise asked appearing by the stairs. "Hiding from Snape," Draco replied. "Well, he is. I'm hiding from Lockhart and Snape." I added. "What'd you do?" Blaise asked sitting on the couch next to me. "Well, I kinda called him a phony, threw the test about him in the trash, and used Tarantallegra on him," I answered. Blaise sighed. "I'm third-wheeling so I'll just go," Draco said walking towards the door. "Where are you going?" I asked. "Somewhere to where there's none of this," Draco answered pointing his finger at Blaise and I before walking out of the room. "I also have to go, I need to go talk to Ginny and Hermione," I said standing up. "Oh, ok. Make sure not to get caught," He said. "No promises." I flashed him a smile and closed the door. "Is Draco in there?" Pansy asked. "Oh no, he left whenever Blaise asked us questions," I replied. "Oh, thanks." She said before walking in.


        "So, Pansy was nice to you?" Hermione asked in disbelief. We were playing Monopoly for the 23rd time, me having 23 wins. "Yes, probably because she wants to seem like a nice person so I'll support her and Draco's 'relationship'." Harry rolled the dice and landed on the boardwalk. "C'mon, give me my money now, Harry." He sighed and I smiled. "You're putting me in debt, Y/n." He said handing me the money. "Not my fault you like landing on my plots." I put the money with the rest of mine. "Ron, it's your go." Hermione nudged him out of his own little world. "Thinking about Hermione, are you?" I teased. He shot me a glare. "Waittttt-" I stood up and they all looked at me. "Ron didn't deny it! Ron didn't deny it!" I shouted. "And I won, again!" Harry smiled and Ron groaned in defeat. "How are you so good at this?" Ron asked. "Well, when you play for basically for 5 years straight, nothing can stop you," I reply cleaning up the game with Hermione. "Harry, can you help me take the mugs to the cafeteria?" I asked. "Sure, Ron help Hermione clean the room." He grabbed some mugs and opened the door and I muttered a thank you. "So, why did you always land on one of the spots I owned?" I asked looking at him, the moon reflecting off his glasses. "It was from your luck, I didn't want to." He answered. "Or, you like me that you wanted me to win." I teased. He shook his head and looked out the window. "You alright?" I asked. He sighed and shook his head.

        "You want to talk about it?" He shook his head again and I nodded. We walked in silence to the cafeteria. "I just realized, we could've just used magic," I said. "Sometimes it's nice to not use magic so often," Harry added. "So, what're you gonna do later this week?" I ask opening the door to the cafeteria. "Oliver said he had planned practice for us tomorrow." Harry helped me clean the mugs. "Oh, is that good or bad?" I ask putting the mugs into the cabinet. " I don't really know, but you are welcome to come, I'll need someone to talk to, besides I don't like being the third wheel with Ron and Hermione." He suggested, giving me a mug. "Really? Then it looks like you'll be paying me soon." I stated. "Oh really? We still have 5 years until they potentially get together." Harry grabbed my waist and helped me down from the counter. "Thank you, now let's get back before we get caught." I opened the door and looked out making sure nobody was there. "Let's go," I whispered and dragged him out of the cafeteria.

        We made it to the Gryffindor common room to see it clean and missing Ron and Hermione. "Looks like they went to sleep," Harry said. "Probably, I'll see you in the morning," I said and walked up to my room.

~A/N: Please leave your thoughts, vote, and stay tuned for the next chapter!~

(DISCONTINUED) The Chosen one Chose Me (Harry Potter x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum