A dream? (Part 2)

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You feel yourself against something like a cushion, no not a cushion more of a bed. You felt the softness of blankets surrounding your whole body from top to bottom. You instantly wake up from the unfamiliar touch of comfort. You look around to see a room with a bookshelf, desk and nightstand. You thought it looked really nice and clean. Once knowing what your surrounding are you quickly get off the bed and head for the door but before you could the door slowly opened with a slight creaking sound.

You take a few steps back for the door to fully open without you being in the way. After it opens all the way a man was now in your view. What first caught your attention was a cute white cap, this cap had many black dots on it. His hat kind of reminded you of an animals fur. This man also had a long black jacket with some type of marking toward the bottom of it and all the markings were yellow. There was also the same marking on his left shoulder from your view. You soon stared into his intense gray eyes wondering what he was feeling or thinking, but you soon fail once he starts talking.

"I see you are awake..",he said putting a tray of food down on the desk in the room. You stand there not knowing what to say or do.

Should I kill this man? But he did just kind of take care of me while I was out..

"Where is Doc Q's body..?",you say in a cold harsh tone. You really didn't show any emotion and that is just how your voice sounds like when you aren't acting. "Oh him? I figured you tried to save him?",he asks turning back to you. "No.. I'm turning in his body to get my beris",you say looking down at the wooden floor. He stays quite for a moment before responding to your statement.

"Ah I see.. Thats why he was dead.. And So you are a bounty hunter turning in a reward to get your beris?", he asks once more. "Yes..",you say now looking at the tray of food. He notices and steps out of the way. "I made you some soup and.. Bread..",he said looking like he was disgusted with the word bread. "It seems you do not like bread?",you ask walking to the tray. "No.. I'm not fond of it..",he said while opening the door.

"I'll be heading out now.. Also my name is Trafalgar Law, if you need anything just call my name..",he then exited the room closing the door behind him.

Why does that name sound so familiar? It's probably nothing if I can't remember..

You soon finished the tray of food and sat back on the bed. You sigh and lay back down.

I need some rest.. I didn't sleep for days..

You soon fall asleep once again going into your own little dream world.

You wake up in a meadow of flowers. "My meadow..",you mumble sitting up. In your dream you where a child and is about the age 8. You soon felt hands gently land on your shoulders causing you to flinch. "Ah sorry Y/n I didn't mean to scare you..",a boys voice said from behind you. You turn to see a little boy, but for some reason his face was.. His face was a blur you could see everything else but his face.

Why can I not see his face? Is he important? Do I know him from somewhere?

You smile to the boy and tap a patch of grass next to you for him to sit.

Why am I smiling? I haven't smiled for years..

He soon sat next to you looking out into the meadow. "Y/n please tell me that you'll always be my friend..", the boy said in a hopeful tone. "Of course *** I will always be your friend!",you exclaim.

I can't even say or hear his name.. He is probably just an imaginary friend I used to have..

You could tell he was smiling at you even if you didn't see his face. You could feel his emotions in you. It felt quite familiar and you enjoyed it.

"So let's meet up here again tomorrow?",you ask turning to the boy. "Yeah! I'll see you tomorrow, same spot!",he exclaims while holding your hand. You giggle and stand up, "Well law it's getting late I'll see you tomorrow!",you wave to the boy and run back into the woods. "Bye!" he exclaimed, soon he started to fade away.

You wake up again but not in the same place this time, you were in a bed. The room you woke up in felt fairly familiar as well. You look around to see a desk and many stuffed animals surrounding you in the bed. You soon felt arms wrap around you, you turn to see the same boy. You still can't see his face though, even up close.

"Good morning Y/n",he said giving you a smile and sitting up next to you. Before you could say anything you here a women's voice coming from another room. "Breakfast is ready!",It was your mother's voice. You haven't heard her voice for years since you left.

H-how many years has it been..? 10..?

You wanted to cry but of course you didn't let yourself because your feelings weren't strong enough to show. Soon the boy began to drag you into another room, that room was the kitchen. You saw your mother cooking and your father sitting at the breakfast table with a newspaper. You wanted to hug them but you were again pulled to sit at the table next to the boy. "Breakfast is soup and bread~",your mother sang. "Ewww.. I don't like bread..",The boy wined. Your mother giggled and placed the plates on the table in front of us. "Beggars can't be choosers",your father spoke putting down his newspaper to eat.

"Come on *** eat it! Dads right! Beggars can't be choosers!",you exclaim with a big smile and began to eat. The boy sighs and begins to eat the soup.

Out of nowhere the dream went black and you where now sitting there in the pitch black room in fear of not knowing what is happening. "*-***?!",you exclaim the boys name still not even knowing his name. You began to cry and holds your knees up to your chest hoping for someone to come get you.


You soon woke up from a dream?

You quickly sit up and look around to see the room you originally were in. You sigh in relief and get off the bed to head to the door. You open the door slowly to come upon an empty hallway.

I need to get Doc Q's body and get out of here..


Wrapped In Your Love (Trafalgar Law x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now