Chapter 6 - Aoba Johsai Pt.1

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"Meat buns on me." Y/N said.

"Alriight!" Shouted Tanaka.

"Guys wait," Daichi said. "I've got a present for the first years."

Y/N and the others turned around to see Daichi holding matching black jackets that said "Karasuno Volleyball Club" on the back.

The look on Hinata's face was funny to Y/N because he didn't quite understand how Hinata was so happy about a simple jacket.

Y/N and the rest of the first years put them on, then looked up to see the second and third years, including Kiyoko, showing them the back of theirs before shouting in unison, "Welcome to the team!"

Timeskip brought to you by Kiyoko's underhanded serve

Y/N, Hinata and Kageyama were practicing together, with Y/N serving to Kageyama and Hinata passing to him then Kageyama setting to him.

They were the only ones in the gym because it's 5:30 a.m and they've been practicing since 5. Y/N picked the lock and chose not to explain how he knew how to do so.

"Yo, Kageyama," Y/N starts. "I'm going to send you a jump serve okay?"

"Okay," he replies. "I'll do my best to recieve them."

"You got this Kageyama!" Hinata says.

30 minutes later

As Daichi approaches the gym, he hears the squeaks of shoes on the floor, volleyballs hitting the hardwood, and sees that the lights are on.

What the hell? He thinks to himself, confused.

He opens the door to see the boys practicing. He had two battling emotions at this moment. The main one being anger, but the second was surprising to the third year. He felt pride. He admired their drive to be better and was incredibly proud to be able to lead these three.

But anger was at the forefront, and it's the one he acts on.

"What the hell are you doing?!" This scared the first years, but also startled Daichi because he wasn't the one who said it. He turns to his right to see Tanaka with his signaure tough guy face on full display.

Hinata, who was in the air at the time, landed stumbling, the ball sailing past him right towards Daichi's face. He caught it with ease and it covered his face.

He lowered the ball and had his angry captain face, causing two of the three first years to cower as they felt the murderous energy coming from their upperclassmen.

There was one that wasn't fazed by it.

"Hey Cap," Y/N said, nonchalant. "Just wanted to get some more practice in before school started."

"How did you even get in?" Tanaka asked.

"I pi-" Hinata covered Y/N's mouth before he could say anything else.

"I-it was unlocked when we got here." Hinata lied.

"Right..." Daichi said. "Answer me this Hinata."

"Yes...?" Hinata asked, scared of what was coming next.

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

"N-n-no sir."

"Then why did you just come up with that obvious lie?"

"Because I picked the locked," Y/N said, his mouth uncovered after Hinata shrunk back from Daichi's question.
"They didn't do anything wrong. It's on me."

Daichi was taken aback by this, standing there speechless. Tanaka, on the other hand, burst out laughing, holding his stomach.

"Where'd you learn to do that? Tanaka asked.

"I'd rather not say." Y/N replied, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. He felt it better that they didn't know his uncle was in jail and taught him when he got out. Just seemed like information they didn't need.

"I won't tell the VP," Daichi said. "But you have to do flying laps until 7."

This caused sighs from the first years and a mumbled "Yes sir" from them all.


When they boys finished their flying laps, they continued practicing with Daichi and Tanaka also receiving Y/N powerful jump serves. The older boys were amazed at how much energy the first years had. They did flying laps for an hour after practicing for 30 minutes and they're still playing at full speed without slowing down even for a second. They continued until 7:30 before taking showers and getting ready for the school day.

After sleeping through most classes

Y/N and Hinata were walking to the gym for practice, talking volleyball.

"Yuji Nishida is my favorite player, hands down." Y/N said. (Sort of a real life Hinata but taller. Check him out.)

"I know right?" Hinata exclaimed. "He so awesome. He always goes woosh into the air!"

"Exactly," Y/N said with equal excitement. "And he goes boom when he spikes!"

"I know! Its so awesome!"

"What are you two idiots talking about?" Tsukishima said as he approached.

"What did you say?!" Y/N and Hinata said in unison.

"Calm down you guys," Daichi said from inside the gym. "Get to practicing."

"Yes sir." They all said.

30 minutes into practice

Everyone is practicing their receives when Takeda, the faculty advisor for the Karasuno volleyball club, burst into the gym.

"We got it!" He started. "We got something! A practice. With one of the area's top 4. Aoba Johsai High School!"

With this announcement came a special condition added on.

"There is one condition, though," Takeda said. "They said Kageyama has to be the setter for the whole game."

This irked Tanaka, promoting him to ask, "What the hell is that?? So they aren't interested in playing Karasuno, but they have some kind of special beef with Kageyama huh? We're just some kind of joke to them, whats their deal?"

Everyone heard, "Let's do it," from Sugawara, confusing everyone. "This gives us an opportunity to use Hinata and Kageyama's attack and see how it measures up to a really good team."

"When is it?" Daichi asks.

"Next Tuesday," replies Takeda. "There's only time for one game because it's after school."

Timeskip to Daichi explaing the first years' positions.

"Kageyama, Hinata, we'll be using you as a pair, with Hinata playing middle blocker." Turning to Tsuki he says, "and Tsukishima, you're our second tallest player, and we'll see how much of an advantage that can be."

"What about Y/N?" Hinata asks.

Thats the end of this chapter. From here, I'm really gonna need your help deciding where Y/N will be playing and who's spot he takes or if he's coming off the bench. Seriously, your input is needed or else I'll decide on my own, despite how difficult that is.
That being said, thanks for reading 😁

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