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He finally saw that I was back to normal, his concerned expression morphing into one of anger.

"Get into the car," he gritted out through his teeth.

Oh gosh, this was going to be a long car ride.


*Emma POV*

The air was thick with unspoken words.

Marco kept opening and closing his mouth like a fish, not knowing what to say.

That's one thing I had to admire about these people.

They had so much self-control and never showed any emotions. They could command you with a single glance and were always well kept, not a hair out of sight.

I looked so out of place amongst them.

I drifted off in my thoughts, and before long, we pulled up to the house.

I gulped, already terrified of what was to come.

I got out of the car, not glancing at Marco.

He clearly didn't like this because I walked all of two steps before he spoke up.

"When we get inside, don't you dare run-up to your room. You go to the kitchen and wait there while I get someone to check your ankle. Then, you will be telling me what the fuck happened to your ankle. Capisce? (understood?)"

I muttered out a weak "Capisce" in response and headed towards the house.

Once I had settled down on the kitchen island, I let myself drift off again.

"How am I supposed to get out of this mess?" I muttered under my breath.

"Maybe tell the truth?" someone answered from behind me.

I flinched at the sound and immediately tensed up.

"Hey, I'm just here to check your ankle." The person said.

"What's your name?" I politely asked.

The person looked surprised for a moment before saying, "Diego."

I relaxed just a little before I remembered why he was here.

"So, you're gonna take a look at my ankle?" I asked.

Diego gently grabbed my ankle and rolled it around a bit.

I knew if I showed any signs of pain, they would take me to a hospital, and then my cover would be blown.

Knowing this information, I kept my face blank and picked at my nails, looking seemingly indifferent.

On the inside, however, I was practically crying. My ankle was definitely sprained, and it hurt like a bitch.

Diego, seemingly satisfied with my reaction, stood up and headed towards the fridge. He tossed an ice pack at me, and I barely managed to catch it.

"Keep that on your ankle, but besides that, you seem good."

I gave him a grateful smile and put the ice on my ankle.

I immediately felt some of the pain go away, and I sighed in relief.

Remembering Marco's instructions, I slowly limped out of the kitchen and towards the living room where I suspected him of being.

My suspicions were confirmed when I found Marco sitting on one of the couches in the living room.

He heard me enter, and an almost sick smile spread across his face.

"Why would he be smiling?" I wondered to myself.

Just as I finished that thought, I realized that we weren't alone in the room. Sitting across from Marco was my eldest and scariest brother, Alessandro.

Alessandro had been kinda friendly to me when I had arrived, but I was still scared of him.

Not scared in a Gabriel type of way, but in a "you intimidate me" type of way.

"So," Alessandro started, breaking the silence," Marco here tells me that you hurt your ankle today?"

"Yeah, but Diego said it was fine. Nothing much really." I replied while shrugging my shoulders.

This seemed to be the wrong thing to say as Marco yelled out, "Nothing much, my ass. You almost passed out there on the concrete, and we both know it."

"I was dehydrated, and I have low iron. I would have been surprised if I did not pass out there." I smoothly replied.

Alessandro quirked an eyebrow up at this and said, "You have low iron?"

"Yeah, normally I take supplements, but I just finished them yesterday," I replied, happy that we were finally getting off of the topic of my ankle.

"Next time, you better tell one of us when you need something," Alessandro said in his clipped tone.

I sighed and nodded my head. Sensing that this was the end of this conversation, I slowly walked back to my room. My hand was inches away from the doorknob when I felt a hand encircle my wrist.

Not just any hand.

Marco's hand.

"You might have gotten away with it today, but soon I will find out what you're hiding, Emma." he sneered at me.

I just sighed for the third time that day and flopped down on my bed. He says that he will find out my secrets, but I know he never will.

Not on my watch.


The next morning I woke up with two thoughts gnawing at me.

One, I was completely, royally, and utterly fucked. I could keep up this act for maybe a week more before my brothers would find out, and I would either be kicked out or abused again.

Two, I should ask someone to buy me iron supplements. I don't want to find out what "or else" means with these guys. Especially not with all of my open wounds.

With these "wonderful" thoughts in my head, I got up, ready to start my day.

After getting dressed and eaten, I was on my way back upstairs when I was stopped by one of my brothers.

I whirled around, already annoyed but softened my glare when I realized it was just Luca.

"What's up?" I asked.

"We're headed to the mall; come on."

I opened my mouth to argue, as I hated going out in public, but quickly shut it when I realized that I would be fighting a losing cause.

hey y'all

this is the updated version of chapter 6, so the ending might be a bit weird 

bleh who knew editing would be so hard

love ya all so much 


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