Part 13

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"Last day of internship! What's your plan later in the night, Shi?" asked Rohan. He was overburdened with work to an extent that he had to search for time to sleep, eat or indulge in anything for himself, and he was glad to be let off the hook.

Shikha was engrossed in her own world of possibilities. An depriving void overwhelmed her as the moment of separation approached her with a lightning fast speed. She wished she could pause the time or slow down the time in a way that she could relish a few more moments in his mysterious and mesmerizing presence.

In quite an intriguing turn, Vikram had acted distant to her since the past week. He was formal, professional, and courteous to the point of confusion. She should, as per Sunaina and Rajeev, be pleased at the twist of fate, but she could not help when waves of distraught confusion and agony threatened to drown her into the depths of longing.

He had approved her project beforehand, erasing any chance of creating an excuse to meet him, and wished her luck for her future prospects the day before. She wondered if his wish would work and the luck would smile upon her, allowing her to speak with him at length to clarify the reason behind his changed demeanor.

"Shi!" called out Rohan, shaking her by her shoulder as he stared at her in surprise.

"Where are you lost? Did you already start planning on how to use these ₹20,000?" teased Rohan, wearing a lopsided grin on his relieved face.

"Di and Jiju already decided. Di and Jiju already decided that they will use ₹500 to celebrate and the rest will be added to the fixed deposit." Like every youngster who rids on a new high after earning for the first time, Shikha, too, wanted to indulge in worldly pleasures with her money. But, alas, Sunaina and Rajeev had other long-term plans for her.

"Sounds like a good idea! Don't worry about the celebrations. I will contribute another ₹500 to your party fund and we will enjoy at the restaurant you always had your eyes on! Now, cheer up!" remarked Rohan, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

Shikha nodded and allowed a slight smile to play on her lips. Her best friend always knew the right thing to say or do to cheer her up, even in the worst of situations, and he knew that the easiest way to make her happy was food.

"All the interns to the conference room! Vikram Sir will address you!" announced Shekhar, walking close to the makeshift interns' room and knocking on the doors.

Vikram's name made her jump onto her feet, startling Rohan. "Chill, yaar. Your Vikram Sir is not here. There's no need to get scared to this extent!" he joked, forwarding Shikha's backpack to her before wearing his own on his shoulder.

Shikha responded to his statements with a mere eye roll. She did not want to drag him into the mess that she had created for herself. A tiny glimmer of hope shined in her, hoping that he would speak to her before dismissing the interns for once and for all.

They made their way to the conference room and took their assigned seats. He had the donned the mask of astute professional and greeted everyone who walked into the room.

"Welcome, dear interns. I hope you had a good time working and learning with us. Your enthusiasm to learn and energy never ceased to amaze the mentors. Although we would be delighted to extend an opportunity to you we offer positions to only experienced employees. We will look forward to working with you again in the future. Till then, best wishes for your future endeavors!" he wished, ghost of a smile playing on his lips as his eyes scanned over everyone present in the room.

Shikha clapped, following everyone's suit, hoping that he would take notice of her and praying that the day does not end before she meets him. She had struggled to shrug away the urge to bask in his presence, but unbeknownst to her, he had turned into her lethal addiction from which she knew no escape.

His encouraging words, his endearing trust, his earnest protectiveness and the enlightening words had bound her in his web. Like a moth driven towards the fire, the innocent butterfly had found its spiderweb, carefully placed and intricately designed for her.

Vikram walked out of the cabin, and the rest of mentors and other senior employees followed him. Shikha rushed towards his cabin as soon as the interns could leave, rattling Rohan with her behavior. She knocked at the cabin door with more force than required, without caring for the professional etiquette. If it was her last chance of ever speaking to him, she had no intention of wasting it.

She needed to listen to his words of motivation. She was not sure how she would keep morale high without his kindness, but to leave without bidding him goodbye would make her task more difficult. Could she contact him, ever, if she found her confidence wavering? Was it permitted for her to seek his compassion when she could not find it in herself or in those around her?

Unfortunately for her, she did not receive any response from the other side of the door. She contemplated opening the door without his permission and barging in, but the consequences of her actions petrified her. He was the most feared man in the state, and she was sure that he would not extend leniency to anyone.

Shekhar, who had observed the entire exchange, pitied at her state. He knew it was nothing more than a sport to his boss, and it was another of his tactics to make her crave for him and ensuring that she was pushed to the edge by her desperation. His shrewd senior had calculated his steps well and he could see the positive results in front of his eyes.

"Are you searching for Sir?" he questioned, making his way towards Shikha, seeing her hand twitch in the direction of the door handle but not mustering enough strength to open the door.

Shikha turned around to face the owner of the voice and Shekhar could see the wave of relief which drenched her. He wondered if it was because she was sure that he would know his location, and that only injured his conscience further.

"Yes, Sir. Do you know where he is?" she asked, hoping that he would yield a positive answer.

"He left for the day. He is en route to his home, and he has asked to not disturb him at any cost. If there is any message for him, you can leave it with me. I will convey the same to him," assured Shekhar, hiding behind the facade of professionalism.

Devastation danced a gory dance over her broken hopes and morphed her hopeful smile into a frown.

"It's okay, Sir. I just wanted to say goodbye. I should have known that he would be too busy to bid farewell to a mere intern," she replied with a wry smile.

How Shekhar wished to correct her misunderstanding! But he knew that Vikram Singhal's actions would soon correct her understanding of her position.

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