13: Feelings

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(Your POV)

The compliment that Tom gave about my hair made me feel a lot better about how I look. That surprises me because even when Sami and Mai tell me that I look amazing I still feel insecure.

How did one little compliment from him make me feel like this?

I shake off the thought and continue to talk to the group. Before I was just faking a smile but now, I can't help it. These people just make me... happy.

It's hard to describe what true happiness feels like because, it's something that I have struggled to find since Luke. He made me feel like I was nothing. When we broke up he told me that no one loves me and it's all out of pity. Now I have trust issues about that.

I have this paranoia that when someone is being nice to me it's because they don't want to be mean. I feel like I'm annoying and dumb.

I think that the other person is thinking things like 'oh my god this girl is an idiot' or 'why won't she shut up'. It really gets to my head sometimes.

I can't help it, I'm an over thinker.

"Y/n? Y/n?" I hear Tom saying to me.

"Yeah?" I ask. I was totally not listening to anything.

"You ok? You keep zoning out and looking like your lost in thought." He says while everyone else is laughing about something Haz said.

"Oh, no. I'm fine. Sorry." I say.

I did it again, I used one of my many lies,

I'm fine

Tom raises his eyebrow at me and I laugh. He stops making that face and laughs with me. We turn back to rest of group.

(Tom's POV)

Y/n can lie to me all she wants, but I can see through every one she tells. I can see it in her eyes. It's very obvious to me but everyone else seems to believe her.

I can even see through her fake smile. It hurts my heart to see her like this even though we haven't known each other very long.

Right now Mai is telling a funny story to us. Everyone laughs when she finishes but I can tell that Y/n didn't think it was that funny or she didn't get the joke. She still laughs along like everyone else but.. it's different.

Right then I decided that I'll make sure that Y/n doesn't have to fake a smile ever again.
(Your POV)

When we are leaving the restaurant I am walking next to Tom as I see a guy in a black hoodie sitting at a table. I can only see the back of his head.

It's the same guy from the movie theater and the club.

"T-Tom?" I say anxiously.

"Yes darling?" He asks and I point to the man. I know he is still there because I haven't taken my eyes off him.

"Is that the guy you told me about?" He asks.

"Y-yea." I say so quietly that it's almost a whisper.

"Come on let's go." Tom says as he puts an arm around me and gently walks me out of the restaurant.

"What took you guys so long?" Harry asks when we get outside to the rest of the group. I start to panic. I don't want them all to know about a guy that I think is following me.

My heart starts pounding as I open my mouth to answer but Tom starts talking.

"Nothing mate, she just thought she saw someone familiar but turns out it wasn't them." He says and Harry nods.

I look up at Tom and he gives me a soft smile.

"Thanks." I say quietly.

"No problem love."

We say goodbye to everyone before getting into our cars and leaving.

As soon as I start driving, Mai and Sami go crazy.

"Oh my god!!! They are all so fucking hot!!" Mai says.

"I know right?!? But Harry though." Sami says making a face like this:😏.

We all start laugh so much that we are crying. I don't know why because it wasn't even that funny.

"Wait. Are we just going to pretend that Tom and Y/n aren't hardcore flirting with each other?" Mai says when we finish laughing.

I choke on my spit and Sami has to hand me her water so I don't die.

"Wait like for real?" I ask her when I can finally breathe.

"Uh yea! You guys were like giving each other looks and he had his arm around you when we left!" She says and Sami nods.

"I have to agree with that." Sami says.

"No, no, we just, no." I say quickly trying to convince them... and myself.

"Come on! Don't pretend you that you don't make literal heart eyes when you look at him." She says.

"Mai! We work together shut up!" I yell to her.

"Ok so?? Did that ever stop anyone?" She asks.

"No," I say honestly. "But it should!"

"Oh stop pretending you don't like each other. It's so obvious."

I roll my eyes and we ride the rest of way home in silence. It's not an uncomfortable or angry silence, more like a comfortable silence that you can only feel with friends.

(Tom's POV)

We start driving home when Harry and Haz start talking.

"Tom, where did you find a bunch of cute girls like that?" Harry asks Haz laughs.

"I work with Y/n, she's my makeup artist. Mai and Sami are her two best friends that she lives with." I explain.

"Ok that makes sense." He says and then turns to Haz, "I think Sami is pretty cute." He says.

"Harry, calm down you just met her." I say.

"I'm just saying!" He says trying to defend himself.

"Well I think Y/n's beautiful." Haz says.

I'm so shocked that I almost drive off the road.

"Woah, woah, woah," Haz starts to say. "I'm just kidding! I saw the way you two were looking at each other."

I give him a glare and turn back to the road. Then I hear him say something that he probably didn't want me to hear.

"I mean she is beautiful."

I look at him again with a confused face. When he realizes that I heard him he makes a shocked face before saying.

"No, no, I'm kidding!" He says and then looks out the window.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐀𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚 {𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫}Where stories live. Discover now