Chapter 30: Breathe

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Everything I ever knew about Justin came crumbling down, like shattered pieces of glass meant to only cut us in the end. His kind eyes and warm smile shifted into cold-blooded anger and dark, glittering eyes.

How could I have been so stupid?

It had been right in front of me this whole time. The way Justin hadn't wanted me looking into the investigation — the way Justin had always hated Natasha, calling her psycho.

Getting rid of her meant getting rid of his dirty secret.

I bit down hard on my lip until I tasted blood. I had spent hours alone with Justin. Had he harbored this the entire time?

Justin's words at my locker floated to me.

I'd do anything for us, Haven.

Maybe even kill someone.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier," Kai said. "I swear I wanted to. But he found out that I knew about the night, and he threatened me so I wouldn't tell you. I couldn't risk it, Haven."

Could I have been so blind to the boyfriend that I used to know that I hadn't realized the person he had become?

"I think he may have hurt her," Kai said. "I've been keeping this a secret for so long, I didn't even tell cops. But I know he went to her, and —" She broke off, her eyes widening.

Before I could tell her it wasn't her fault, I saw why she had stopped talking. I looked up to see Griffin. His jaw ticked, and his eyes glinted over with anger. I realized he had heard everything Kai had said.

Oh no.

"Griffin, it's not worth it," I said, my voice wavering. I moved in front of him and desperately tried to make him look down at me. "Whatever you're thinking about doing. If you hurt him now, you'll get in trouble."

"Haven, please get out of my way," Griffin said, his voice low. 

"Not here," I said, placing my hands on his chest. "Look at me. Please." His eyes met mine, and they softened.

"I'm not going to hurt him," he said almost patiently, making me drop my hands in relief. Then, before I could say anything, he shook his head. "I'm going to fucking kill him."

"Griffin!" Before I could stop him, he had pushed past me and started storming towards an unaware Justin. I could see Justin's blonde curls peeping out from the group of boys he was with, his arms confidently strung across his chest. He was laughing at something, his smile abruptly falling, when Griffin pulled him by the collar of his neck and swung.

The moment his fist connected with Justin's face, he didn't stop. He kept going, ignoring the surrounding people, and letting his fury out with each punch. There was a sickening crunch and then a series of screams.

Amidst all the whispers and stares, I saw Willow turn to me and could tell from her guilty gaze that she knew what had happened.

Again and again, Griffin's fist connected with Justin's jaw until his face was a bloodied, bruised mess. There was an almost unrecognizable fire in Griffin's eyes, and he wasn't listening to anyone at that moment.

He wanted blood.

West jumped in, holding back Justin. Jeremy tried to pull Griffin away, but he shook him off. He was panting, his eyes almost charcoal black.

"What the hell is your problem?" Justin spit. "You broke my fucking nose." Even though he was fuming, the fear in his eyes was evident, and I noticed he put considerable distance between the two.

I would've laughed if I didn't have the urge to cry right about now.

"You're lucky I didn't do worse. You should be in jail right now," Griffin hissed.

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