Chapter 12

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Next day I got a call from Sarah and I excitedly ran to Taha.

"Taha....Sarah and Aunty wanted to come here to see you so I invited them for lunch today."

"Really?!" he said happily but then his smile faded.

"What's wrong?"

"They're coming here? But how do they know about here?!"

"Oh, it's because I told them."

"And what else did you tell them?" He questioned crossing his arms.

"I told them that their son is a businessman who imports and exports spare parts of vehicles and has a lavish bungalow and they should be proud of you." I said grinning proud at myself

He laughed nervously.
"Rahina...we are Doomed! Totally... completely finished!"

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Rahina you are not my are not pregnant...this isn't my house and I am not a businessman who sells spare parts..." He saud panicking.

"We are freakin' Mafias!"

I rolled my eyes at his over-exasperation.

"So what? They won't find out." I said

"Tsk! You don't get it! Everything here belongs to Ruzhaan... including you and if you know anything about him you will realise what a terrible mistake you have made." He was panicking.

I shrugged
"So what? Ruzhaan is your childhood friend. He can lend you all this for a few hours! Why soo serious?"

Taha facepalmed.

I had already texted the plan to Ruzhaan as he wasn't home. Now I quickly went to take a shower, I had a lot of work to be done....a lot of cooking to take care of all alone. It's not like anyone is going to help me here. I soo wish I had another woman around the house with me. There's a maid but, she only takes care of the cleaning.

Wrapping my towel around me after a good warm shower, I came out to get my clothes from the cupboard. Just then the bedroom door opened and closed making me flinch.

I screamed as I saw Ruzhaan locking the door behind him.

"What are you doing?!!!!! GET OUT!"
I yelped holding to my towel like holding onto dear life. I couldn't comprehend whether I should run...hide....or sink in the ground as my legs froze.

He was glaring at me making a shiver run down my spine.
"I got your text. Did you really think, you'll just lend everything that belongs to me to someone else and I'll be ok with it?" He said walking towards me as my feet finally moved stepping back petrified given my very compromising condition.

I screamed again as he grabbed my arm, dragging me to the bed and threw me roughly on it enough to almost yank my arm off my shoulder. I self-consciously held my towel tight and pressed down my thighs together making sure that nothing was visible. He abruptly hovered over me making my heart jump to my throat. I was shivering in terror by now.

" all mine and SO ARE YOU! Didn't I tell you nothing is free with me? If you want me to lend you my life, then you have to pay a price equally large." He smirked eying my body beneath him from head to toe with such hunger in his eyes.

"Please...stop.." I croaked trembling with the dread of tears.

"I will....for now. But the farther this drama goes....the farther I'll go with you." He warned and getting off me left me alone slammed the door shut behind me.

I whimpered curling into a ball crying my fears out.

I came out and made preparations for lunch anyways. I requested all the other men to leave promising a delicious meal for them soon. They all humbly amd excitedly agreed and the house was empty. The men even helped me with all the grocery. They all might be a Mafia gang but ... they're all very considerate. Maybe I was wrong about them in many ways.

Everything was almost ready when Taha informed that they had arrived. I went to the door to greet them with him.

They were really impressed seeing the house and everything. All 4 of us moved to the living room laughing, joking and chating when....HE arrived.

I froze up. He humbly greeted the ladies.

"Who's this young man?" Aunty questioned.

"He's...uh..." I could clearly see Taha panicking.

"He's Taha's Manager!" I again blurted out.

Both the men stared at me in disbelief. I gulped as Ruzhaan's words rang in my ears.

The farther this drama goes....the farther I'll go with you.

I should be careful with my words now.

"Oh! Bhai's manager!" Sarah said and I couldn't ignore the way she was looking at him. All smiling and blushing. I felt like wanting to pinch her cheeks and I soo wanted to bend her fingers back until she screamed with which she was playing with her hair. And.... would you look at thus man! Smiling back at her sok warmly and invitingly. He never smiles at me like that.... that...that two faced chameleon!

Taha cleared his throat pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh yeah...will you like to see the whole house?" I asked smiling.

"Of course."

And Taha led the way.

I was setting the table for lunch when Sarah came in.

"Bhabhi....can I help you?" She asked.

"Oh! Hi Sarah...and seriously, you don't have to call me bhabhi. Just call me Rahina. We are the same age." I saud awkwardly.

I'm not really her Bhabhi or anything.

"No! You're my Taha bhai's wife. I have to call you bhabhi!" She insisted firmly.

"Ok..." I smiled hiding my nervousness.
"Do as you wish."

"BTW bhabhi....that guy... bhai's manager you said.  Um.... what's his name?" She said keeping down the glasses in the sink.

"Why?" I asked a bit heatedly. She watched me confused.
"Um no... I mean, why do you ask?" I laughed it off.

" he single by any chance. He's soo handsome you know." Her eyes glimmered.

"Eh... he's ok." I wrinkled my nose.

Why am I agitated?

"No he's really handsome! Now what's his name?"

"I...uh.... I don't remember actually... he's new"

"It's Ruzhaan."

We both looked towards the door where he was standing and he walked in.

"You're Sarah right? That's a beautiful name for a.... beautiful girl." He said bringing his hand forward as she shook it shyly drilling his eyes into hers.

He was flirting with her openly?! Sure! As a married woman I can't touch a non mehram but apparently he can?!
She was red like a tomato! Wah! These two....

" the food ready?" It was Taha peeping in.

I snapped out of my thoughts.
"Ah yes! Coming darling..." I said sweety.

Taha raised an eyebrow at me while Mr Kadoos looked at me daggers. I ignored him and started plating the food. 


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