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["You just killed five men! What do you have to say for yourself."




[Defeat the 10 men. 3/10

Reward: 500EXP, all stats raised by 1
Penalty: Death ]

Zhi Ruo stood on the pile of corpses, the blood amassed on her feet pooling. Her boney hand was stained red, nevertheless she didn't stop walking.

"Who the fuck are you?!" The slave trader had viciously kicked the man that was tied away from him. The man along with the others tied with him like a leash had fallen like a domino. And yet strangely enough they didn't make any noise as they fell. The swords that hang from their waists was taken out and was pointed at Zhi Ruo.

Zhi Ruo didn't flinch, she calmly crouched down and grabbed a handful of sand that moment a slave trader had aimed a sword at her throat. She harshly threw the handful of sand on the face of the slave trader, that person momentarily blinded reached for his face  cursing out laud. But only an eep was heard as a rock came down from the back of his head.

Due to the strength at which Zhi Ruo had exserted on the rock, that rock and the man's skull cracked on the pressure. She side stepped the moment she felt someone behind her, and dashed for the sword on the man she had just killed. Blocking an in coming slash, by back flipping she threw another handful of sand at the nearest face she found and stabbed the chest on that same person.

She dragged that person's body and used it as a meat shield for the slashes that rained down on her body. She took out a new sword from the person behind the corpse she was holding before killing that person with his own sword. Spinning on her heel, she kicked a person away and jumped on him with her sword raised killing him instantly as she made contact.

She paused the moment she felt like she had backed on the wall of the alley. Three of the men had already fallen to their knees the moment Zhi Ruo pointed the sword at them. And the last one and managed to parry her sword before being killed.

[Congratulations! You have earned 500EXP]

[All stats raised by 1]

[Congratulations! You are now level 3!]

[Congratulations! You are now on level 4!]

[You have earned an skill! Your status has been updated]

[Congratulations you have earned 10 stat points!]

[Congratulations you have earned 20 stat points!]

[Congratulations! You have achieved your first kill! You have received 1 lottery ticket!]

[Congratulations! You have achieved your  first skill! You have received 1 lottery ticket!]

[Congratulations! You have achieved your first achievement! You have received 100 stat points!]

[Your status is updating!]

Zhi Ruo leaned back on the wall panting, she glanced at the fallen people still tied up and attempted to walk to them. But the system's notifications had blocked her view. She read all of it before grinning, she didn't mind the looks of curiosity at the fallen people who had sat down without saying anything.

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