Chapter 21

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Author's POV

Thank you for waiting.

Have fun reading :)

Third POV

Is it Winter?

Your POV

"Don't be nervous." B/n/1 crows to you, smile glittering his expression.

"Yeah easy for you to say." You grumble, using your phone as an escape.

On your most recent feed of news you see a side profile of Kenma. You can see that the photo was shot in a room, Kenma facing what you assumed to be a monitor and shades blinding out the late midday light.

All this to accentuate his jawline and the difference between the apple of his cheeks and lower face. Eyes dark and focused on the screen.

"We're here." B/n/1 takes your hand while you press onto the link of the interview.

You follow him blindly, staring at your phone while letting B/n/1 guide you by the wrist.

"Are we there yet?" You asked, shifting your eyes between your thumb tapping at the tiny digital keyboard and B/n/1 who is almost rough with how he twists and turns, navigating through people.

He doesn't reply and you add "You know if B/n/2 saw us right now he'd ridicule us for being improper and then say he's glad the high society don't know we're in kahoots with him."

"Y/n..." B/n/1 warns eerily, slightly awed, and wary smile on his expression.

You both stop in your tracks in the middle of the crowded room, with luckily many, multiple people playing their own poker games.

"He's here."

Who's he? There's so many he's. He as in him, or him, oh wait.... or him.

You creep closer to him and look up slightly, eyes away from a half typed out tweet.

"Is it Miya?" You whisper, teasingly.

"What?" He baffles, fumbling backwards a bit, letting go of your other wrist for you to type out and finish the last of your tweet.

After the submission button there's an immediate ding from B/n/1's pocket and he swipes it out from his pocket to--what you assume--read your tweet.

"You have notifications on?" You cringe, thinking about all those notifications you'd be getting from twitter if you didn't have them off.

"Unlike you, I don't spend time my time wasting people's times with the Top ten best poker tips." He mocks in an annoying tone.

"Yeah clout is great." You mocked back.

"Anyway who's here?" You wonder again, elongating your chin up to check if there were any others in the perimeter.

"Y/n I don't think you wanna know."

"No, I think I do."

"Perhaps not."

"Perhaps yes."

"No." B/n/1 finalizes, voice firm. "That's that."

"Let's get going you're going to be late." Before you have time to say anything else B/n/1 steps grabs your wrist once again and heads towards the area you dread most.

The poker tables.

Yeah money and fame is great, everything. But the whole silence in it, and how boring it is.

It's just absolutely dreadful.

It reminds you of your childhood.


"THATS DONE NOW." You screeched. B/n/2, G/n/2, and G/n/1 drinking some wine in the corner of the room closest to the window. B/n/1 knocked out, and laid upon B/n/3 who's watching a movie while stroking his head.

Exhaling a panicked breath.

Currently, you're finished for the night. Winning all of your games tonight with a few hours to spare before tomorrow night. Maybe you could get a few drinks in.... maybe a meal too if  you felt like it.

All seven of you are hosted in B/n/2's room within the hotel. One of the largest penthouses, accommodating a whole floor.

"Hey Y/nnie, are you okay?" G/n/3 comes soothingly.

"No." You respond. "I've just had the most awkward game." The silence sometimes is unbearable.

"Do you think they could smell my sweat?!" You start to fluster.

"Y/n..." G/n/3 sweat drops.

"I don't want to alarm you but..."

"--Wait no." You huff out. "Don't tell me."

She lets out a small noise before you stop her. "No, don't."

Then there's a yell from across the room. "DO IT!" It's from B/n/3, who has stopped stroking B/n/1's hair. In fact he's shot awake from B/n/3's startling screech.

"Could you shut THE F*CK UP!?" G/n/1 yells, looking rather ragged.

"Please." B/n/2 face palms. "This room isn't big enough to drown out the sounds of your screams."

"That's only because you like us like that." G/n/3 comments sassily.

B/n/2's face scrunches up in pure disgust as his nose and eyebrows crease.

"Save the sass for someone who cares." B/n/2 replied snarky.

There's a knock on that door that shocks all of us.

"Please come in," B/n/2 calls out, instinctively tidying himself up and moving towards the door.

Out comes a suited waiter with two wine bottles in arm, and cloth. "Here is the wine you ordered sir."

"Ms. L/n has been requested." He adds, stepping back as soon as B/n/2 takes the two bottles of wine.

"Y/n go." B/n/2 orders.

"What?" You awe. "I just got back like?--5 minutes ago!"

"All your games are done for the night, at best all you'd need is something for registry."

"But I thought you already got the registry done for me?"

"Just go Y/n." B/n/2 demands again, unbothered.

"When you come back we can eat together. Even watch a movie while we're at it. That big screen tv and couch ain't there for nothing." G/n/3 reassures flashing a smile.

"Yeah..." You agree nervously. "I'll be back soon."

You lift yourself up, and move to walk along besides the waiter who nods to you and leads you back to the elevator.

Once you both are within the pristine silver of the room, you stand and await as  he presses the button for the 5th floor.

"What am I being requested for?" You ask, rocking back and forth on the back of your feet.

"If I may ask." You added politefully.

"Mr. Kozume has requested to speak with you."


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