Chapter 5

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A/N: Longer than normal chapter. Also, some blood and violence. 

1 month later~~~ Marinette's POV

I stepped in my room and trudge to my bathroom and started wrapping up my wounds from the akuma attack. It was one of the ones where if only heals me partially. Thankfully Tikki, healed the more important one like my broken ribs and stuff. My ankle already healed. It is currently 10 AM and I left at 4 AM. It was a long akuma. It killed Juleka and badly injured Luka and killed most of the  people in Paris. It was terrifying. 

I finish wrapping my wounds and yawned. I need coffee. I went to sleep around 1 AM and woke up at 4 AM so, 3 hours of sleep. I really need coffee. I put an oversized hoodie on and grabbed my phone and trudge to the living room. I kept my coffee there because I worked in there a lot. I learned my way around the Manor pretty quickly and I have learned about some secret passageways I use for my pranks. 

I trudge into the mini kitchen in the living room and go to Dick and bury my face in his back and lean on him. I hear him chuckle. "Morning Mar." I grumble 'good morning' and weakly pushed myself off him and grabbed my head phones that were on the counter next to my coffee machine. Me and Tim have separate ones. Mine is bigger and makes more coffee as I often pull many all nighters in a row. He doesn't do that. He gets some sleep  just not a lot. He gets like 10 hours of sleep at minimum for a week. On a good week, I get 5 hours of sleep. 

I start making coffee and put my headphones on and started playing some music. It was my new songs from my Nettie album that I haven't published just yet. I pour my coffee in my thermos and sip it and savor the bitter taste on my tongue for a second and then swallow it. I walk to the other part of the living room and notice quite a few people in the living room. I analyzed them all and quickly realized that they were the justice league and Jon was there. 

I haven't started school yet because I still fear that it might turn out like Paris but, I am getting to where I can. Jon comes over from time to time. He is really sweet and nice. And he's pretty cute. I turn off my music and put my headphones around my neck and stare at Dad. "Dad, why did you invite the Justice League over?" Their eyes widened with their mouths open, gaping well, except Jon and Dad. I stare at them and raise my eyebrow. "I do hope you know I'm not an idiot." They closed their mouths and Dad spoke. "This is Clark, Diana, Barry, Hal, Arthur, and John." (A/N: I am not doing a whole lot of members. Just the original ones.)

"Do you know where Barbara is?" Barbara promised me a girls day with Steph, Cass, and Selina. I am still hesitant to call her mom because my real mom wasn't a bad one we just had to be separated. He shook his head and I pouted. "Come on." I heard a snort and looked at Jon. "What?" "You look funny when you pout." I felt some heat rise to my cheeks and I stick my tongue out at him. "No crushing on my sister." I stare at Jason who was standing at the doorway and I register what he said and more heat rose to my cheeks. "Shut up, Jay." I trust them more than I did and they are actually really good siblings. 

Barbara bursts into the room and with the other girls and they run over to me. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I stare at the Justice League who, were staring at Barbara as she smiles sheepishly and waves. "Hey guys..." The looked to Bruce for an explanation who just pointed to me. "What? I just gave her the ability to walk again and that really came out wrong." I curse inwardly and felt something slide down my leg. 

I swipe my finger on my leg and look at it. Blood. "Shit." The akuma attack had stabbed my leg and made a long and deep cut. I had bandaged it to try and stop the bleeding but, it was still bleeding and looks like the bandage can't do no more. Jason notices and looks at me. "Pixie Pop, your leg. It's bleeding." I stare at him. "I know." Plagg's bad luck really rubbed off on me or something because Dick, Tim, and Damian chose that moment to come in. 

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