Windows and Study Hall

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Peter's POV
After getting to Ned's house we started building his Lego set. We also started working on Karen.

Who was now as sassy as ever.

"Karen, what's zero divided by zero?" Ned asked randomly well we were building the AT-ST Raider.

"Obviously it doesn't make sense. The answer is 0 because 0 is nothing. Why I'd thought you knew basic math."

Ned sat there looking shocked. I laughed.

"I thought she would answer like Siri!" He exclaimed. Which, of course, only made me laugh harder.

"Karen! Tune in to the police radio for a minute." I said. Ned, who had been pouting, looked at me with question.

"C'mon Peter. New York can survive a night." He said. His words weren't pouty but rather concerned. "You need to take a break from time to time, ya know that?"

"We now got a car chase people! All cars too (insert random street because I can't think of any)." A male voice said over a speaker.

"New York might, but that doesn't mean the little guy will. I'm going out on patrol. This gives us a chance to test Karen.

"Ready when you are King of Spiders." Karen replied. Believe it or not her voice sounded sarcastic. Ned chuckled a bit.

"Alright. Go then!" He said playfully. I quickly put my suit on.

"Ready Karen?" I asked about to jump out Ned's window.

"I believe not five minutes ago I told you I was read when you were. I think I should be the one asking if you are ready." She said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and jumped from the window. Instead of landing on the ground I landed on the next wall. I started climbing.

It was breezy tonight. I would get places fast. I swung towards the flashing lights.

(Time Skip)

After stopping the chase, two kidnappings, and helping an older lady who turned out to be the churro lady. I sat on top of a building near Central Park where a street singer was gathering quite the crowd. I had to admit, she was pretty good. A ding from my pocket took me from my thoughts.



Alright who gave Clinton caffeine?

My coffee!!!


Kim Possibly

Mr. Science
Oh no.

Oh umm

I believe the child is present.

Kim Possibly
Hey cinnamon bun.

Nat and FeFe are fighting over who is adopting you.


Please don't fight!

Not over me at least...

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