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"Wow, who knew you could be so kind to me." Reisha smirked at Jun. He just grunted and gave her a glare that matched and rivaled her smirk that he desperately hated.

"Me too, maybe it's because you're an asshole. Fuck off." Jun says with a sarcastic tone to it. Reisha dropped her smirk and huffed in annoyance.

An awkward silence loomed through the air. That was until Jun broke the ice with the words that came out of his mouth. "How long do you think Runa is going to be passed out?" Asked Jun as he looked towards the sky.

Reisha shrugged as she looked at the peaceful Runa on the ground. "It's hard to say. You're the brute force in the team, I'm the best all-rounder in this team." Jun raised an eyebrow but soon letted her to continue.

"And Runa is the best tactician in this group — and maybe even the best out of every rookie. She saved our asses during this test by the equipment that she had for us." Reisha says as she gazed at Runa. Jun kept his eyebrows raised.

"But, how does that tie into how long she's going to stay unconscious?" Asked Jun as he looked down towards Runa. He had mixed confusion. Reisha just sighed in irritation.

"Maybe if you were at least smarter then you would get it, but you're not." Reisha told him as he turned his gaze away from Runa and towards Reisha. He gritted his teeth as he heard this.

"Just tell me how it actually ties into how long she is staying unconscious." Jun says with a growl at the end of it. He didn't like how Reisha treats him. Reisha most definitely doesn't like how Jun treats her.

"Since she's the tactician of the group, she's actively thinking of ways to help the team in way that is short-term and not long-term. When it comes long-term planning, that's a strategist's job to cover and not a tactician." Reisha explained. Jun was relatively confused.

"What's the difference between a strategist and tactician? Aren't those practically the same." Asked Jun in a very confused manner as usual. Reisha then had a frustrated sigh escape her lips.

"Can't you just make a conclusion on what it could possibly mean just by what I just said?" Reisha asked in an angry tone as she looked at Jun. "Just tell me, damn it." Ordered Jun as he clenched his fists.

Reisha squeezed in one quick glare at him. "Strategist and tacticians are similar in some way and another. But, there is only really one major different between the two categories. While the two do try and get the best results in the end, the strategist focuses on the long-term planning, whilst the tacticians do the short-term planning." Reisha explained. She's repeating what she just had said quite earlier ago.

She could still see the confusion evident on Jun's face. "A strategist essentially gives out an overall plan, a tactician is a person that does smaller and teeny little plans to achieve a said goal. Or something like that." Reisha gave up trying to explain to Jun.

(A/N: This is probably entirely wrong tbh. Worth a shot..)

"Whatever. It sounds complicated anyway." Jun said as he crossed his arms. Reisha held her gaze at Jun. "That's because it is. For you anyway." Reisha says to Jun.

This little bitch. Jun wanted to throw her into the damn waterfall. "Wait, you still didn't answer my question on how her being a tactician actually ties into her being unconscious for a longer period of time." Jun said as he grunted in annoyance.

"Like what I said, they actively think for the team. Since this is a thing, they'll be using their brains much more thoroughly than someone like you. This will cause them to be needing more sleep." Reisha says to Jun. His eyes twitched.

Slashed: A Naruto FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon