Part Fifteen

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"Mr. and Mrs. Reed?"

I instinctively looked up even though that wasn't my name.

"You can come see her."

I was the first to my feet, her parents quickly following as we all tried to contain ourselves from sprinting down the hallway. It was a different room than Shawna was first in, but the same set up. Same plain ugly walls, and harsh fluorescents. But this time as we stepped into the room, Shawna was awake, sitting up and waiting for us.

"Hey!" she beamed, looking much, much better than when we had left her. 

Her parents rushed over and showered her in hugs and kisses, while she giggled at all the attention she was getting. I stood back, just soaking in the relief that was rolling over me in waves. She was right here. She was okay.

                For the past couple of hours, I had been driving myself mad with wild thoughts. What if the doctors screwed up again like they had before? What if something happened to her? What if she lost too much blood? What if we didn't have the same blood type and I couldn't donate mine?

  But there she was.

"Mark," her voice called me over. Immediately I grinned, and she sent me one right back. "What are you doing? Get over here."

Laughing to myself, mostly because I felt like a teeny bopper at a boy band concert, I made my way over to her. Once I was close enough, she held her arms up in an obvious invitation, and I leaned in so she could throw her arms around my neck and pull me to her, gripping me in a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around her small body, squeezing her back, my heart thumping so hard she could probably feel it. She could probably hear it. Everyone could probably hear it. 

As we pulled away, but not completely, I met her eyes. "Hi," she whispered.

"Hi," I whispered back.

Someone cleared their throat behind me and I quickly let go, taking a full step back. Her dad was giving me a pointed look, though it held no malice at all. How could he be angry about anything at a time like this?

We all gathered around her and went over what had happened, breezing over the details of the actual accident. That would have to wait for later, it was too heavy for this moment together. 

Shawna showed us her leg. It was still purple, but not nearly as bad. I wouldn't be able to get rid of that image any time soon, that was for sure. We talked for a long time, and eventually, Shawna started yawning every few minutes. 

"We should let you get some rest," her mom, sighed. "You've probably got a lot of anesthetic in your system." 

"Okay," Shawna agreed easily. "What are you guys going to do?"

"Probably go check in on your siblings, then we'll be back. We can bring them with us, if you're feeling up to the energy."

"Chaos," her dad amended with a smirk.

But Shawna's eyes lit up, "Yes. Bring them, please."

Her parents laughed at her enthusiasm, "Alright, we'll see you tomorrow as soon as visiting hours are open. Sweet dreams, kiddo."

"Yep," she grinned, as they started to exit. I got up to follow them, a little disappointed to have to leave so soon. Despite the fact that I'd been sitting in this dang hospital for almost five hours now. But Shawna caught my wrist, "Can you stay for a minute?"

"Of course," I nodded, sitting down again. 

"Bye guys," she sent them a look as they lingered in the doorway. 

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