chapter 39

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Kelvin POV

    I was so happy, the plan was finally accepted by Mr. Darwin and the contract was signed. He was a really hard contract to get. The project team did help out a lot. ..

        But lily was just my main anchor to make this entire project successful.

*flashback* a few days ago

" why can't I get this plan right," I said to myself throwing yet another rough paper of the plan I drew in the waste bin that was already filled with a lot of papers from all my other failed attempts. Why can't I get it fucking right?

"Kelvin, kelvin!!  can I please come in? I have been seriously knocking here for a while now Where is your mind at? And why have you been locked up in your office all evening " she said as she walked towards my desk putting her hands on her waist. Like a mother scolding her child. But I wasn't in the mood for her tantrum today.

" Lily it's none of your business, just leave me the hell alone and leave my office " I snapped, I saw the look on her face, I immediately regretted it. She was just been concern about me and I poured out all my anger and frustration on her.

"Am sorry Lil I just have so much on my plate right now and it's taking a toll on me,"  I said to her pulling her closer to me as I sat her on my lap hugging her closer to me. I did not get why I was so attached to her in the short while I have known her.

"It's fine but what are you getting so worked up about, tell me maybe I can be able to help you " I doubt that, I didn't want to drag her in my business anyway. I instantly find myself spilling out everything the moment she stares at me with so much intensity in her eyes. Wow, I think she is a witch and I have been possessed.

" it's a project for a really difficult client, he won't tell me what he wants but keep saying my plans aren't good enough and I know the old man can't even draw to save his life  "  I complained resting my head on her shoulders. She giggles at me asking to see the project plan.

" Idiot!! the man is building the hotel in the memory of his late wife, you can't just draw the plan the way you do for other hotels you constructed, this has to be different and special you have to let your heart guide you and not your experience"  she whispered touch my heart for better infect. I scoffed. Heart

"Really that all I have to do," I said sarcastically snorting at her Little speech. She immediately smacks my head with a cute frown on her face probably at my terrible sarcasm

"Ouch you are so violent, I wonder you are the same in bed  "  I whispered in her ears, as she tried hiding her face from me I knew she was blushing. I love it when she blushes because of me.

" Hmmm, Why don't you come downstairs to have dinner after sorting out the mess in your office  I would be waiting for you don't let me wait too long, or you are going to bed hungry," she said standing up from my laps as she made her way out of my office.

"And don't forget to put my ideas to the test alright "

"Fine  I will try " I whispered
* the end *

I did try the plan and it worked perfectly well Mr. Darwin loved it and immediately agreed to sign the contract. I can't wait to tell her right now. Maybe she will kiss me.

"Mr. Alexander, sir please what is your input in this proposal, what do you want us to do sir" I was asked by one of my project managers pulling me out of my thoughts. I didn't even know what the hell he was talking about I didn't hear a damn thing that was discussed. I have had enough of the meeting already. I just need to get home to my wife. Wow, I kinda like how that sounds.

"Meeting adjourned, I will reschedule the meeting for another day, I have an appointment. bonus will be added to your paycheck at the end of the month, congratulations you all deserve it. " I said as I made my way out of the board room, towards the parking lot. I never felt this happy with a woman, not even Sofia. It feels different and more intense with her. 

A few minutes later

   I made it home avoiding all the terrible traffic on the road. Parking my car inside the garage as I made my way towards the house meeting an empty house. I saw no sign of Lil anywhere I glanced at my watch which reads 1:02 pm,

    I realized I came home earlier than usual and Lil is not going to be back home till either 3:00 pm or 4:00 pm.

  Damn it now I have to wait to tell her the good news. I signed walking upstairs to freshen up I didn't know what the hell was wrong with me I couldn't control my damn feelings around her anymore, I didn't even want to control it anymore. 

  I kinda hate her work so much right now, I can provide all her needs if she let me do it. She always refuses my offer. I can't stop her from working Because she is so damn good at her job and I don't want her to lose the talent she has I was ready to support her all the way, that's the reason why I had tony dig up a lot of dirt on her coworker who frames her, I had tony send a copy to the company and another to the police.

   I also made sure she had a position higher than the previous boss who fired her without having done any proper investigation drawing to a conclusion with false evidence. I threatened to bring down the company if things didn't go my way of cause they agreed to my demands. Why not nobody what's to go against me In the business world.

  Of course Lily doesn't have to find out about it or she is going to be furious with me and we wouldn't want that.

  Why don't I prepare dinner tonight to thank her for helping me with the project how hard can it be I would just follow the recipe accurately. Doing it myself will make a better impression on her

  It's all good man except you forgot that you can't cook to save your life. You suck in cooking!!  My subconscious yell

It can't be that bad, I will Google it online and follow the steps very accurately.

A few minutes later

I have been trying to make chicken Alfredo. For almost an hour now and yet It looks terrible and tastes like broccoli, I didn't even have it as any of the ingredients. And the kitchen is a mess Lily is going to be so mad at me.

    Picking my phone up from the kitchen counter I dialed Tony's number on my cell phone am probably going to regret it because the idiot is going to constantly make fun of me.

He immediately picked up on the first ring.

T"Hey man what do you want now?" He said with a whining tone as I put him on the loudspeaker.

K" And how are you so sure I want something," I asked amused and a little guilty about the fact that I always call him when I need something.

T"Because you only call me when you need something and also don't go all screaming in my ass like a kid having PMS when you need something not work-related " I kinda hated the fact that he knew me so well. But I don't behave like a kid having PMS, I about to defend myself when I remember the reason I called in the first. I don't have much time and lily going to be back soon.

K" I need your help, can you come over to my house?" I said leaning on the kitchen counter.

T"fineeee I will be right there I hope you have food in your house" he whined disconnecting the call. Glaring at the phone on my hand I can't believe the Idiot
he is going to starve because there is no food for him at my house.



Hey guys, I hope you love the chapters, I want you all to comment on your thoughts and future prediction for the book.

Seasonal greeting.

Love you all.

Til next update

Star ✳️


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