park attack- dec. 9 2020

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all of these stories are in fact my dreams. ever since i was seven i would always dream every night. some are nightmares, some are weird, some i don't even know. i promise that these are all real. i don't know what they mean so i need some help.

(they are all dated) i hope you find some form of entertainment i guess..?

                          My dream started off where me and my family went to this huge park because i guess it was really popular and hundreds of thousands of people went there daily. So we had just came to the park and we were still in the car, right? And then all of a sudden a jet just lands in the middle of the field. We thought it was like a show at first so everyone cheered, but then a bunch of men with guns walked out and started shooting random places (not necessarily people). Me and my family started to panic so we got out of the car and hid behind a wall. Then the men started to shoot people. Any one who was visible. So then a few seconds later the U.S military showed up and they started to shoot at each other. Once the shootings stopped we found out that the U.S lost. And so i guess the enemy's were Germany (anyone who is from Germany or is German i'm very sorry for this dream). Me and someone else with me tried to escape but we ran into a soldier. Apparently we are supposed to salute them a special way, its very hard to explain but like we had to. They started to board citizens into the jet including myself. Soon after i woke up.

okay so each night i actually have 2 dreams but i always forget the second one.

Okay! Thats it for the first dream! If any of ya'll know what this dream means then please let me know! I will update tomorrow morning!

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