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The cloud-like creature went inside Rebecca as quickly as it left but Mike couldn't decide if it was a good thing or not. On one hand, it fucked off once it realized it wasn't welcome, but on the other, it can do whatever the fuck that- that thing was. What was it even trying to do? Does he even want to know?

Mike has too many questions but none of that matters right now. What matters is making sure that thing hadn't done any real or permanent damage to Rebecca. That's why he doesn't stop himself from racing forward to her only to catch her while she sways. Whatever that cloud thing did to her, it couldn't have been good.

"I'm fine, I swear, it's just," Rebecca pinched the bridge of her nose, "I'll be fine."

Mike waited for her to say more but got nothing. It looked more as though she was battling a migraine rather than recovering from some cloud entity trying to turn her body into its own string puppet.

While trying to think of something even remotely reassuring to say, Mike took a look at their surroundings. They were still on the ship, somewhere in the lower decks. He couldn't feel it moving but he was sure that the ship still was.

Both him and Rebecca were in the back corner of what seemed to be a large room. In front of him, where the original cloud entity retreated to, were two others. The three of them seem to be, watching them and communicating in some way. Mike tried to understand what they were saying but gave up after quickly realizing there was no verbal communication going on.

Instead he turned his attention back to Rebecca who has decided that she's good to stand on her own now. They were still clutching onto each other, but it seemed to be more out of fear than anything at this point.

Mike took a deep breath, and took account of what was close to them. Maybe if they had some sort of way to defend themselves, then they could be fine. Neither of the new these things intentions, And Mike wasn't really planning on risking finding out.

The only thing could close by where the cryo chambers, the ones that he and Rebecca were traveling in as well as eight more. Perhaps they could get them out? If he and Rebecca could, then perhaps the others could as well? Maybe they would have an idea of what to do? But maybe they would be sending them to an early death?

Mike's eyes glazed over the name plates of the chambers. Maria, Vinny, Sterling... He didn't recognize any of them. And then he got to the last chamber in the room. His heart stopped. Davian.

The two of them had planned this trip together. They were planning on starting over, a new life. Perhaps a better opportunity for both of them. Boarding the ship was a huge risk but it was one they were willing to make together. It was Rebecca who had decided to join them not long after they started putting their plan in motion. They gladly let her.

Rebecca looked over at Mike and seemed to know what he was thinking. She squeezed his arm in reassurance and then whispered, "he might know what to do, he's always been better at planning always," she glances back at the Clouds, "besides, I'm pretty sure they were going to kill us then they would have done it already, we could use all the help we can get."

Mike knew she was right, at least in the respect of help. He still wasn't sure on the intentions of the clouds but he knew he wasn't going to leave Davian here with them. He walked over to the chamber, deactivated it, and opened the door.


This chapter was written by snow, who is a person. probably

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