Chapter Twenty-Six

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I look at Sid angrily, causing him to look away quickly. "You arsehole!" I accuse him, hitting his arm. "You made me call him, and he didn't even pick up!"

"Ouch," he winces. "Hit him if he's not picking up, woman!"

"You!" I hit him repeatedly on his arm, but despair quickly takes over my violent administrations and I cry, "You made me call him, Siddharth! I would've been fine not calling him! I would've wallowed in despair on my own and thought about a million other things! But you made me call him! Now I know for sure that he's pissed! What should I do now?"

I pull my knees up to my chest, and bury my head in my knees, balling up. "Stupid-arse ideas you've got, Siddharth!"

"It's not like he can break-up with you after making you wear the ring," he suggests.

I don't look at his face, but I know I got it when I slapped him because of how he starts crying about his beautiful face. "There's such a thing as breaking an engagement," I remind him, cutting off his whining about his non-existent beauty.

"Even you know he could never do that," Sid offers as consolation.

"Just because he can't, doesn't mean he shouldn't," I tell him sulkily, resting my chin on my knees.

Siddharth chuckles insensitively. "You better do something to cool him down then. There are not enough people in this world crazy enough to be willing to marry you."

"Arsehole!" I slap his arm harshly. "Get out. Go. Aren't you getting late for your flight?"

Siddharth looks at his watch and gives me an apologetic smile. "I do have to go," he agrees. "But I also do have another idea."

"I don't want to listen to any more of your ideas," I tell him stubbornly. "You and your ideas can go to hell."

"Fine," he concedes. "Let me tell you and you can think about it."

Once bitten, twice shy. "No, no, no, no, no—"

"For once in your goddamned—" he starts in a loud voice.

I pinch his arm, effectively cutting him off. "You already used that today."

He winces, rubbing his arm. "Just hear me out, no?"

"No," I state obviously.

"You know, if you went to him, he wouldn't have the choice to ignore you."

"Went to him where?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

"His place," he fills in like it's the most obvious solution. "I'm sure Arjun isn't as heartless as you to shut the door on people's faces."

I should've shut the door on this pig's face!

"That is absolutely not happening. I've called once. If he wants, he'll call back otherwise he can also go to hell with you and your ideas."

"If not for Arjun, you'll remain unmarried for the rest of your life," he teases.

I glare at him. "If he doesn't call back, it'll do me good enough to stay unmarried."

"Don't say things you won't stick to."

"Don't waste time telling me what to do and what not to do."

Sid sighs in defeat and stands up. "I'll leave then," he withdraws. "Tell me how it goes."

I stand up to see him off to the door. "Be good," Sid tells me like a father leaving his child at boarding school.

"You be good. Don't sleep around like a man-whore, Sid."

Sid clutches his chest dramatically, making me roll my eyes. "You are also going to slut-shame me, Arvi?"

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