42| Barging through the window

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Started writing on 14th December 2020.
Completed on 18th December 2020.
Word count : 4878 words

Warning : A long chapter ahead. Stay hydrated. Don't blame me for dehydration afterwards!

– D I V Y A –

Seeing Dhruv and Natasha kissing, I was shocked for a moment. But then, it was not my place to come between their personal space.

Just when I was about to step back, I heard mumma calling me out while coming towards my room. It was not good for mumma to see their situation, so I ran to her immediately before she could catch them red-handed.

"Mumma, let's go to my room. I need to show you many things." I said and dragged her to my room.

Just when mumma left, I felt Natasha entering the room and picking her purse, "Divya, I'll get going."

"Wait! I need to ask you something."

"Hmm....." She hummed.

"I saw you and Dhruv there, in the dark corner. I mean, is it true?" I sighed and asked.


"Are you both in a relationship?"

"I don't know what to say. I'll talk to you later." She said and ran away. What's wrong with her?

In the evening, I sat beside mumma and kept my head on her lap. "What happened?" She asked and I forwarded oil to her. "You want me to massage your head?" She asked and I nodded. Sitting in front of her, I closed my eyes while she oiled my scalp. "You're nervous?"

"For what?"

"For your wedding."

"I don't think so. It's my second time marrying the same man in the span of five months." I said and she chuckled. "Mumma! Were you nervous in your wedding?"

"I was. Mine was an arranged marriage and I didn't knew your dad that closely. You knew each other before your wedding but for us, we were like strangers. We met a few times before our marriage. And trust me, on my wedding day I was sweating profusely."

"Didn't your makeup spoil?"

"You're really asking me this?" She asked and I nodded, causing us to chuckle. "Do you think I would care about my makeup when I was going to take the most special step of my life. I was way too nervous that day."

"How did you even marry then?"

"I was going to fall due to dizziness. My heart was racing rapidly seeing so many people on my special day. But then, your dad handled everything."

"What did he do?"

"He kept whispering soothing words in my ears until I felt normal."

"What did he say?" I asked.

"Why do you want to know everything?"

"I'm your daughter and it's my right."

"Okay! He kept mumbling— ‘don't worry’, ‘everything will be alright’, ‘please smile, what would our children think when they see our photos’, ‘you're looking beautiful’, and things like that." She said.

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