11- Where Loyalties Rest

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"I need to see Kess right now" I rushed, not waiting for Ash to answer before heading back down the hallway towards the ball.

"He sent me to look for you. He would have come himself but he thought it better-"

"Good, the more witnesses he has around him, the better" I cut him off.

Ash nodded, evenly matching my pace. He was the epitome of ease, no worry in his dark almond eyes that never seemed surprised. "He should currently be entertaining guests in the middle of a hundred eyes. Safest place for him, I'd say."

I managed a smile. "You know what I like about you, Ash? You don't ask questions."

"Why would I do that when I know I'll get the answer soon enough?"

As we reached the entrance to the ballroom, I swiveled around to face him. "How fast can you get the horses and carriages set up for all of the guards and members of the Ember Court that we came here with?" I asked.

He looked taken aback which, for him, meant he blinked twice at my request. "It will take a little time, but I'd say we could manage to have them ready by midnight."

"Perfect, alert the guards we can manage to spare to help you. I want us ready to leave as soon as possible. It's not safe for us here."

Ash didn't question me. He simply nodded before heading back the way we came in the opposite direction as the ball. Managing a shaky breath, I turned back around and wiped the sweat on my palms against my dress as my eyes combed the room looking for Kess.

They eventually fell to the middle of the ballroom where Kess was currently twirling a girl in a starkly plain smock who I recognized as one of the Harvest representatives. Earlier today she had been stuttering over her words and looked close to tears. Now her face was practically glowing as she let out a genuine and lively laugh at whatever Kess had just told her.

The sight was so pure that I almost felt bad when Kess's eyes lifted from hers and immediately found mine, as if he could sense my presence. I thought I was hiding my panic relatively well, but Kess's face immediately fell as concern replaced ease.

Making my way through the crowd, Kess bent down to whisper something to the girl that made her smile brightly before walking away, leaving an opening right as I reached him. Almost as if it were second nature, Kess's hands immediately went to the curves of my hips as mine latched behind his neck, guided by muscle memory. Pulling me close towards him, Kess spoke in a low voice. "What's wrong?"

"I saw him" I breathed against his neck. "Nox. I just had a conversation with him."

Kess turned rigid, his grip automatically tightening on me as he pulled his face away to look at mine. "Where?" He asked, panic in his eyes.

"In one of the rooms they use to host guests. It was right near the bathroom. I-"

"Why the hell were you in there alone?" He demanded, his fear turning into frustration.

"I had a dagger on me. I thought I might have a chance."

"For stars sake, a chance to do what, Wren? Stab the guy? He's a powerful Gifted with a lifetime of experience controlling-"

"It was stupid, I get it!" I hissed back. "But listen, Nox was the one behind the murder of those three guards. He brainwashed them and when they failed to capture me-"

"He killed them and pinned it on me" He finished as his eyes grew wider. "But that means he wants you alive for something. Did he say anything else?"

"Oh you know, the usual" I tried to play it off. "Blah blah blah, you're a stupid weakling, blah, blah, blah, I'm more powerful than you. I-"

I stopped my impression as the memory slapped me in the face. "Oh no," I muttered. "He asked about my sister, Kess. For some reason he wants Tessa. What if he knows-"

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