I am Lucifer King

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"No one will ever change this animal I have become." - Animal I Have Become, Three Days Grace

 Lucifer's POV ※

It's been two weeks since I left Eliana in that room. There is no particular reason why I did it. Only the fact that I'm trying to figure out what I am supposed to do with her and what exactly is she doing here, alive in Hell, and in my life in general. 

She made numerous attempts to summon me, to trick me into helping her or even just talk to me. The last one was quite a surprise but I guess isolation is hard for some people.

There was a wall in that room that was transparent from the outside, like a portal, so occasionally I would walk on the corridor, and take a sneak peek inside, just to see what she is up to. 

In fact, there was this time that I thought she had figured out where the portal was because when I passed by, she was staring intently at the wall from the inside. At first, I was impressed, but then she sighed and turned around, flopping down on the bed. 

Poor little demon...

I chuckled at the memory as I went through the numerous piles on my desk, picking out punishments for the damned souls.

Jackson Hunter, human, killed two people in a car accident 13 years ago because he was drunk, never turned himself in... 15 years in the cells and daily torture with Maggie.

Basil, demon, slit five throats without my command... Death.

Stupid demons...

Maria Blatov, human, killed her husband because he was abusing her... Why is that my work? What the hell are the angels doing? 

Whatever, 1 year in the cells, no torture.


A loud banging on the door interrupted my thoughts and I looked away from my papers. 

"What?" I said out loud, granting permission to enter my office.

The door opened quickly and a scared looking Diagon stood there, looking at me with a horrid expression on his face. 

I was immediately alarmed, standing up, because Diagon was the demon responsible for guarding Eliana's room.

"S-Sir, the girl! She's go-gone crazy!" He stuttered out, his attention fixated on his feet. 

"What? What do you mean?" I said and quickly made my way out of the room and out in the corridor. I was walking quickly with long strides, eager to see what Diagon meant. 

"She- She started hitting her-herself, Sir." He spoke up with a hurried voice, trying to keep up with me. 

I took two right turns and I was finally in front of her room. 

What the fuck is she doing?

I watched Eliana as she smashed her head against the wall again and again. Her face was bloody and the red substance was trickling down her neck. 

I was looking at her, shocked, and unable to move. She started going towards the fireplace, grinning like a madwoman. 

"Si-Sir, I think she'll... um"

"Shut it Diagon!" I cut him short, not wanting any distractions.

My eyes widened when I saw her put her hand in the flames, burning it and screaming out in pain. Her whole body trembled and shook violently as she continued burning her hand, without backing out. 

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