Chapter 10.

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Chapter 10.

Gabriella's POV

A couple, soul mates. They look so happy in the picture I'm looking at. He is carrying her on his back and he's smiling, she has her arms around his neck and she's looking at him with a smile on her face, her eyes are sparkling from happiness and joy.

"We were so happy back then." Deep voice of Christian pull me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, if only that happiness was real." I said bitterly.

"Ella, it was real I swear." Christian said.

"Yeah right." I snorted.

"Ella I swear I didn't want to break you heart. I loved you, I love you and I will love you forever and always." Christian mumbled the last part.

"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Why can't you just forgive me Ella?" Christian mumbled.

"Why?" I snapped at him. "I can forgive you for breaking my heart, for rejecting me hell even for those hurtful words you said to me, but I can't and will never forgive you for almost killing my kids! It was all your fault!" I yelled at him. Tears fell down my checks. Christian looked at me shocked.

"What? What are you talking about?" Christina asked quickly.

"What am I talking about? I'm talking about depression you put me and my wolf in after rejecting me, you jackass! I was so depressed I almost lost the twins!" I yelled at him. He look at me with shock and hurt on his face. "You know, I almost died after giving birth to them, my wolf just gave up." I whispered the last part.

"E-Ella baby I'm so sorry." Christian whispered cupping my face in his hands. I growled at him and punch him in the face. I screamed when I heard a crack. Pain took over my hand. "Shit Ella! You shouldn't done that!"

I can't fucking believe I broke my arm while punching him it should be other way around! Christian tried to grab my broken arm but I push him away from me.

"Don't touch me!" I screamed at him.

"Ella I need to see your arm!" Christian said gently.

"No! Don't touch me, don't talk to me, don't even look at me!" I yelled at him. I grab the lamp from the night stand and threw it at him. He quickly doge it. I growled disappointed it didn't hit him in the face and threw an alarm clock. I begin trowing stuff at him. Christian growled.

"Stop!" He ordered. I narrow my eyes at him and threw my phone at him. It hit him in the chest, but he didn't even flinch. "Happy?"

"No!" I said and threw a pillow at his head. I turn around and walk out of his office. I slam the door behind me and walk to my room. I cried quietly and hoped twins didn't heard us.


House is so quite, I walked down stairs to the living room and saw everybody watching TV. Nobody is happy cause I'm upset. This is like in everybody's pack, if luna isn't happy they aren't either, especially the pups. I saw twins talking quietly with each other. I sat down next to them.

"Mommy why were you and daddy shouting?" I froze as Blaze asked me that.
"Um.. no.. um we weren't shouting we were just talking loudly." I mumbled. "What did you hear?"

"Nothing much, Amy took us out for a walk." Blaze said. I send a grateful smile to Amy and she nodded at me. Front door open and Christian walk in with the Cole and Paul flanking him and the rest of the pack warriors. I quickly jump out of the couch and walk to them when I saw their bloody shirts and bruises.

"What happened?" I asked Christian while looking at the wound on his arm.
"Rogues, call Joseph." Christian said.

"Who's hurt?" I quickly look at the pack warriors and saw unconscious warrior. Pack doctor Joseph quickly walk to attend his wounds. Christian tried to walk out of the room but I grabbed his arm. "I want everybody who's hurt to sit down and the rest of you clean their wounds. Amy, Adriana take the pups to their rooms. " I said loudly so everybody can hear me. They followed my order. "Sit down." I said to Christian. He sat on the couch and I went to kitchen to take the first aid.

I sat next to him and begin cleaning his wound. Just because I hate him doesn't mean I don't care. Yeah females are that complicated.

He didn't even flinch while I cleaned it. I put the bandage around his arm while he watched me. I didn't even look at him as I pick up a first aid and walked to help other warriors. Christian growled when I touched Daniel to clean his wounds. Daniel smile at me and quickly look away.

After everybody was taken cared of I walk to the pack hospital to see if the warrior who's hurt is okay.

"Luna." Pack members greet me as I walk to the doctor. I nodded at them.
"Hello luna." Doctor said.
"How is he?" I asked him.
"Calvin is stable, he had deep wound on his leg and shoulder and he hit his head."
"That's good." I said nodding. "Let me know if his condition changes."
"Yes luna." Doctor bow at me. I smile at him and walk out of the hospital.

I walk back to the house and want to the twins room. I softly knocked on the door and walked in. They both are on the floor playing with Lego.

"It's getting late, you have to sleep." I told them. They pout at me. "Don't pout and go to the bathroom, you need to have a shower."

"Mommy can daddy help us shower?" Blaze asked me.
"What? Why?"
"You're a girl." Blake said and they both blushed. I laughed at them.
"Okay okay I will go get Christian." I said and walk toward the Christian's office. He'll probably be here since he doesn't have social life anymore. I knocked on the door.

"Enter." Christian said. I open the door and walk in. He look at me with emotionless face.
"Twins are asking for you to help them shower, they are embarrassed of me seeing them naked." I said rolling my eyes.
"Oh.. okay." Christian said and stood up. I walk to twins room and Christian followed me.

"They are in bathroom waiting for you." Christian awkwardly walk to the bathroom. I laughed at his discomfort.

Thirty minutes later Christian and twins walked out of the bathroom. Twins have a towel around their torso. I laughed when I saw them.

"What about your fluffy bathrobes?" I asked the smirking.
"We are men now mammy, we don't use fluffy bathrobes anymore." Blake said and puff his chest. I shook my head at them.
"Here, put on your pajamas." I said and gave them their pajamas and underwear.
"Can you turn around mommy." Blaze asked. I roll my eyes and turn around. Couple minutes later Blaze said. "We're dressed mommy." and I turn around. I nodded and look around their room and saw their small backpacks.

"Oh my God! You didn't do your homework!" I said. "I'm terrible mother!"
"Don't worry they didn't have any homework today." Christian said.
"Are you sure?" I asked twins.
"Yes mommy!" They salute and went to their beds.

"Goodnight." I whispered softly and kissed their foreheads, Christian followed me and kissed their foreheads.
"Night mommy, night daddy!" They said.

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