Chapter 13

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I think the last time we were completely alone was in the common room after the Yule Ball. It feels like forever ago now.

We were standing in a dark room, and the only source of light came from Fred's wand. Then he swished his wand to add a little bit more light, just enough to see where I was but not enough for anyone else to know we were there. We were standing in the middle of Honeyduke's. Now I understood what that sweet smell was.

"Merlin's beard! Fred..."

"I figured I'll need more than Ginny to get you to talk to me this time," he rubbed the back of his neck looking down at me and smiling.

"But how did we even get inside? Is there a secret passageway from Hogwarts right to Hogsmeade?"

"Exactly, George and I have been sneaking out since our first year"


I was impressed but still confused.

"Of course, I wasn't trying to buy you over...I just hoped you would talk to me and maybe answer some of my questions."

"I'm listening."

"I thought everything was great between us, after all, I told you how I felt about you right away, but then this Draco thing pissed me off so much."

"Oh no, not this again, I hope you don't think that that jerk and I..."

"No, of course not, I mean Ginny kind of told me... everything"


"After you left the common room today and disappeared faster than either of us could catch you, she literally grabbed me and said what a jerk I was. After I talked to her, I realized I was a complete jerk.

At the beginning of the year, I had so much fun with you, that I was confused how didn't I know you before. When you rode on my back shouting 'redheads rule', I thought I'll never let you go...

Then you started hanging out with Malfoy which didn't make any sense to me until today. Ginny told me about that day at Hogsmeade when you accidentally met him and I thought you were on the date with him. When I saw that stupid necklace, I realized that you didn't care about me at all. I was so hurt I wished you could feel the same, and I knew that asking Angelina would piss you off the most. However, you put that thing on your neck like nothing happened, and that made me even more frustrated. You came with him to the Yule Ball, looking like a goddess, of course, but it was him touching you and not me.

When you looked at me across the hall during the slow dance, I thought maybe I can fix everything. So, I've waited for you in the common room for what felt like hours, which made me even more nervous. I thought maybe you did something more than just hugging him. So instead of telling you how I felt I just attacked you because ... that's what I do.

I was thinking a lot about your words that night. You haven't lost, I lost, and I lost you. And I was convinced in that until I saw you and the little bastard in the hall. He said something like 'Y/n, doesn't want me anymore.' You looked so annoyed at him and I got my hopes up again. Maybe you didn't ever want him at all...

I wanted to punch Malfoy from the moment he put his filthy hand on your back at the ball, but when I heard him spreading nasty rumors about you, I knew he was done. You, of course, were absolutely amazing with that spell, and that healing potion. Where were you before when I fell off the broomstick or got hit by a bludger? I would get into a fight every day just to be healed by you. However, then Angelina came out of nowhere clinging on me for her dear life. Just so we're clear, there is nothing between Angelina and never could be. For me, it was so obvious, but then even Ginny said that she thought were a couple and I realized I completely messed up.

What I wanted to say that my feelings for you haven't changed and only grew stronger the more I got to know you! I think you're the most incredible person I know, and you get me like no one else does."

"You never asked me, Fred, you know"


"You never asked me to the ball, what did you expect"

"I know... I was so proud and angry and I thought I'll wait for the right moment, but then I noticed you started to hang out with Durmstarng, and then I heard that Krum asked someone from Gryffindor, so I assumed it was you. It was so stupid of me and when I realized I lost my chance to ask you, I was so angry I just did the first stupid thing that came to my mind."

"I'm sorry I hurt you," I said.

"I'm sorry I hurt you" he replied.

"I forgive you," I said and turned around to leave.

I really did forgive him, knowing he did not intend to hurt me eased my mind. Of course, part of it was also my fault, refusing to show my feelings and being too proud to just talk and clear things up.

The door was still behind me, so it took me just a few steps to reach it. I stepped into the darkness, not fully closing the door. I wished I could see his face. A few moments of silence. I've waited behind the door, listening to the silence. I was just about to step back in when I heard his steps, so I decided to wait a little more. Everything was pitch black behind the door; Fred made a few steps into the darkness.

"Boo," I shouted just at the right moment.

He jumped like I was his bogart or something. That made me laugh hysterically.

"Blimey, Y/n. I Am Going To Kill You."

I was gasping for air


I felt tears in the corner of my eyes. My stomach hurt from laughter.

"You scared me! Twice!"

He noticed I had too much fun.

"You're going to pay for that!"

He grabbed my waist, trying to pull me closer to him, while I tried to run away. He was obviously stronger than me, his long fingers perfectly placed on my waist, squeezing it and taking the power from me. He pushed me to the closest wall, a tinny gleam of light falling on my face. He put his right hand on my cheekbone, pulling my face slightly away from the wall and closer to him, and then he kissed me. His lips gently pressing on mine, but then it turned into something so passionate, that the line between him and I just blurred. We couldn't stop at all. Turning our heads and gasping for air, he bit my lip and I thought I wouldn't like it, but I did.

We spent the rest of the night eating candies in the dim light and talking about all those things we refused to talk about before.

The sky began to turn pink on the horizon, so it was time for us to leave the shop. Fred said, although the owner of Honeduke's had no clue about its late-night visitors, the candy we ate were not stolen, but bought by Fred earlier. He took my hand in his and we left the shop through the small door that now held one of the best memories of my life. I followed his lead through the dark Hogwarts passageway, thinking how everything changed in just one night. What a night. Lost in thoughts and absolute silence, Fred and I weren't careful enough while sneaking back. We heard quick steps.

"Students out of bed? Might be the chance to use the old punishment!" shouted Filch.

We realized he was already close, so Fred squeezed my hand and we started to run. Filch shouted at us but still couldn't even catch our sight, so it all became so funny I could barely hold my laugh, so did Fred. We felt invincible, he couldn't catch us, no one could. It was like together we held even more power, there was no one stopping us.

We finally reached the dorms, breaking out in laugh just when the portrait hole closed behind us. However, it was time for us to part, what felt like for the first time ever, and none of us wanted it. Fred walked me to my dorm room door, I cupped his face with my hands, stood up on my tiptoes, and softly kissed him on the cheek. 

...Do you, princess? /Fred Weasley x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن