Four: Ice Machines

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"What the fuck, man? Tell that gay monkey to leave my shit alone!" Chow's voice echoed in the hotel room, Victoria held a laugh back, her hand covering her mouth in disgust, embarrassment and confusion as Chow stood up, "So fucking bright in here. Alan grab me my sunglasses" he covered his eyes with his hands, trying to block the sunlight, completely uncaring that his jump was hanging out.

She avoided looking at Chow, instead her eyes met Phil's, who was looking at her. Phil's serious and startled expression changed, and a cheesy smirk crossed his lips making Victoria smirk back. "It's great to see you, Leslie!" Alan excitedly hugged Chow.

"Nice to see you too my little popo." Chow giggled, watching as Alan went to grab his sunglasses.

Victoria furrowed her eyebrows, "I don't even want to know why you call him that." She muttered, shaking her head.

Phil chuckled but then grew serious, "Chow what the fuck are you doing here?"

"Alan, called me a few days ago and invited me to wedding" Chow shrugged, covering his mushroom-penis.

Stu's expression became even more bewildered than before, "Excuse me?"

"What? He's my plus one."

"Alan, you didn't have a plus one. It's two hundred dollars a plate!" Stu exclaimed in frustration, shaking his head. He was obviously annoyed with Alan, and Victoria knew he already probably was blaming Alan for his face tattoo.

Phil sighed, "Guys, guys focus please! Chow, what happened?"

Chow scanned the room, obviously not understanding the frustration that plagued the atmosphere. "You guys texted me. Said you fucked up and looking to party!" he laughed, looking at Alan. Victoria watched in amusement as the two laughed back and forth at nothing. "I picked you up in my boat and I brought you here to Bangkok. And we had a sick night, bitches!"

Suddenly, Phil wasn't as amused and his face dropped his smirk, "We're in Bangkok!?" Phil yelled, his eyes widening in complete shock.

Victoria placed a hand over her mouth, concealing her giggle. She shook her head, "We've really gotta stop drinking." she muttered, looking at Stu. She felt bad for him, she really did. He was a dentist, getting married to a girl way out of his league who's parents already hated him and now, he has a giant face tattoo and they lost Teddy.

"Yeah no shit." Stu stressed, pacing he ran a hand through his hair.

Chow, as usual didn't get the glum atmosphere of the room, "Holla! City of Squalor!" he laughed, Alan laughing along with him.

Stu, Vic, and Phil all rolled their eyes, "Do you know where Vic and I got these tattoos?" Stu quickly questioned, pointing to his face with one hand and Victoria's tattooed collar bone with the other.

"Uh...yeah! From a fucking tattoo guy! Come on, Stuey! Use the big Jewish brain!" Leslie laughed.

Victoria rolled her eyes, watching as the monkey wandered back into the room, licking something. Victoria looked more closely at the monkey, and suddenly, her entire face dropped, "Oh my fucking god." she gagged, sitting on the arm of the couch next to Phil.

"Hey what's the monkey holding?" Alan asked. Everyone looked back at the monkey, except Victoria because she knew exactly what he was holding. Phil glanced at it, his face paling as he groaned, rubbing his face, he looked up at Victoria, who was looking everywhere but at the monkey.

"That's a finger!" Stu exclaimed in disgust, haunted at the sight of a random finger in a random monkey's mouth.

Phil leaned forward to look at Stu as serious as possible to Stu wouldn't have any more reason to be pissed. "Stu look, Teddy was with us last night. That's Teddy's finger."

Victoria gagged, "Oh my fucking god." She placed her hand over her mouth, shaking her head in disgust, "So he's dead? Little bits and pieces of Teddy is probably scattered all around us and we don't even realize it." She dramatized, throwing her head back exaggeratedly.

With a look of horror, Stu shook his head, "Victoria shut up, you're gonna make me vomit." he hissed, holding back his own gags.

Blankly staring at Stu, Victoria blinked slowly, "Stu, Teddy could be in someone's Stew."

"Oh alright, that's enough." Phil grimaced at Victoria's terrible play on words to which she only responded with a sly, teasing smirk.

yo yo yo, sorry this chapter is short as fuck but something is better than nothing ? sorry i feel bad for not writing this book :( i apologize anyway i hope you enjoyed this short, uneventful chapter i didnt write anymore to it because i couldn't find the stupid transcript to the movie so i'm currently trying to find it again

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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