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You won't believe who is also lodging in our hotel??

Yes, you're right!

Its Tanner, the cute guy from the party.

"He fine." Azra grinned. "I know right?"" I muttered quietly so no one would hear us.

"Hey guys! Where's Ethan? He promised he'll be in my tiktok today." Vanessa ranted as she walked up to us.

By the way we are at the hotel restaurant having lunch.

"He came, ordered takeaway and left." Azra answered.

"I'm here. What do you want?" Ethan appeared behind her.

"The dance video!! Teach me pleaseeee then do the duo dance with me on tiktok! Please Ethan!" She pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

"I don't wanna be in your tiktok again, last time was awful enough." He said.

"Nothing happened to you last time! I was the one who got embarrassed." She said.

"I love their connection." Azra laughed and I shrugged looking over at Tanner's table again.

He was eating his food with his sister who was also eating hers opposite him.

Now that's a connection I like.

"Fine but I'm only helping you learn. I'm not gonna be in your video." He said and she squealed blowing us a kiss and pulling him out of the restaurant.

"He dances?" I asked surprised.

"Yes, haven't you seen their joint tiktok page?" Azra asked.

"That's weird." I frowned.

"Although he does everything in their videos reluctantly." She shrugged.

"Obviously, I mean he's Ethan freaking Gray." I rolled my eyes and she laughed.

"You hate him so much, why?" Laura asked frowning.

"Because he hates me so much du-uh." I said.

"Hm, so the feeling is mutual." Azra nodded.

"Yes it is." I said sharply.

"Can I give a speech as someone who loves you and as your step mom?" Laura asked and Azra smiled softly at me.

"Yeah I guess." I said.

"Alright Auri don't you think you should try to tolerate Ethan?... Even if it's just for Ivory. Before you know it that girl would be one and she'll understand who mommy and daddy is. Do you really want her to see all this dispute?" Laura asked.

"I guess not." I said.

"Then try and build a firm and manageable relationship between yourselves. He'll find it stupid at first but I'm sure he'll get it later on. He's a teenage boy you don't expect him to be a perfect father yet. You trained for this rollercoaster when you had Ivy in your stomach, but he didn't get the chance for all that, you caught him off guard and he's probably not ready to just throw his teenage life out and be a father. You should understand this, in fact Rora you of all other person in the two families should understand that." Laura said.

"Hey, don't cry." Azra patted my back.

How come I never know when I'm crying? I wiped my wet cheeks.

"And see the thing is....He never even knew he had a child, you didn't wanna tell him remember? So its not he's fault that he wasn't there through pregnancy months and baby early early stages, he could have used that time to practice, to get used to it all." Azra added.

"I know." I sniffed wiping my eyes and cheeks with a serviette.

"So before the end of this trip you'll try to you know be somewhat friends with Ethan?" Laura asked and I sighed.

"C'mon Aurora." Azra said.

"Fine. I'll try, but if my patience level exhausts that's it." I said.

"Nope, we'll refill it." Azra smiled making me also smile.

"I love you both." I said.

"We know." They chorused.

I rolled my eyes. "Just kidding, we love you too." Laura said and Azra nodded.

Just then my phone rang it was Ashley.

I answered.

"You motherfucking bitch! You didn't call me or nothing! How rude could you get?! I hate you so much right now!" She screamed into the phone.

"Hey Ash,I'm really sorry" I said.

I don't get why calling them is always skipping my mind..

"You and Ethan kissed yet?" She suddenly asked and I frowned to myself.

What a subject switch. That was so out of the pink.

"No we haven't and we shall never." I replied calmly.

"Hmmmm." She hummed.

"Has Ivan made a move on Daven yet?" I asked.

"Well, he didn't tell me exactly but I've been seeing some sneaking around. They both come for lunch at the cafeteria late and they always come in at the same time." She said.

"Hmm, juicy juice." I laughed.

"You won't believe what I noticed yesterday." She said.

"What?" I asked eager for some tea.

"They came into the cafeteria with roughened shirts, I guess the heat was much in their last make out." She said.

"Shut up!." I said.

"I swear. " she chuckled.

"So back to you, you got your eyes on anyone yet?" I asked.

"I still wish I could meet the Stokes twins and marry Alan but asides fantasy uhm I kinda sorta maybe probably like Noah Baylor."

"Ethan's friend?" I asked.

"That's the one." She replied.

"Oh. That's nice." I said. The guy is okay.

"Oh my mom is coming I'm not supposed to be using my phone! I'm grounded for sneaking out with Noah Bye!!" She rushed out and hung up.

"What?" I gasped. With Noah?! Already?


I miss her. A lot has happened this few days here.

Everything mostly with Ethan.

That night...✓Where stories live. Discover now