Chapter Sixteen ✅

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Narrated by KIN:

Saturday evening, chilling with my little sister Lainey in the kitchen. We were busy eating ice cream. Now that I've made some friends I haven't been spending as much time with my sister. Especially now that Lemon has joined us. We do something every weekend. Which is fine, Saskia has replaced me with Laura anyway. I used to be like her little sister, we were close. But it doesn't compare to her and Laura's new profound friendship. They even live together sometimes during the week. I get a little jealous. Feel a little like I'm thrown away. Which is okay in a sense, because now I have Lemon. And she's funny. She talks a lot and asks loads of questions. About me and my family, she's never had a family. She says, it's only her and her mother but she rarely sees her mother.

I glared over at Lainey, she had ice cream all over her. On her dress, around her lips. "So... what'd you do next?"

"I told him I'd die if he takes my umbrella, but he did anyway,"

I giggled.

"Then I called a teacher and she handled everything. She told them not to take my umbrella again, or I might die,"

Lainey is the sweetest thing ever. My heart melts when I look into her red eyes. "You're supposed to handle bullies yourself,"

She placed her spoon back in the bowl and scraped the sides, hers were empty, "Kin... I don't have any more,"

She gave those sad doll eyes. I rolled mine and gave her the remainder of mine. She clapped her hands and immediately start eating it. "What do you mean I should handle bullies myself?"

Mother stepped into the kitchen and just went over to the kitchen sink. Pouring herself a glass of water.

"Just that, Lainey. Next time someone takes something from you, you hit them in the gut,"

Mother quickly turned around and looked at me, "Kin! You can't teach her that!" She yelled.

"It's the truth, mom. She shouldn't have to wait on someone to come through for her,"

Mother sighed. "Fighting back as a vampire, Lainey, is very unfair. Just forget what Kin said and promise mommy that you will never raise your hand against the weak?"

Lainey bobbed her head and grinned. Mother went over to her and tickled below her chin and planted a kiss on her forehead. Then she looked at me, "no plans today? How's the vampire search going?"

"Not moving forward at all, it's like she's being cautious. Which is good, right?"

"Or is it? The vampire council is still very much pinning this on you. I don't want to lose you,"

I widened my eyes. What on earth does she mean? "What are you talking about?"

Mother sucked in air. "Shit. Um... if you're found guilty, which it pretty much seems like you are. They take you from us and have you imprisoned. Just like they would if it were a normal human who's committing these crimes,"

My heart stopped beating in that second. I cannot go on trial and be sentenced. I'm still just a kid, an innocent one at that. "When were you planning on telling me this?"

I was furious. They kept something so big from me, I didn't even know vampires could be sentenced. Those vampires must loath my kind. They're doing everything they can to keep us at bay. We're not even bothering them.

"Kin, lower your voice,"

I didn't even realise that I yelled at her. I started weeping, Lainey tried comforting me by stroking my back. "I'm scared mother. Seems like this whole thing just doesn't want to go away,"

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