The Twins Betrayal 1

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She was always considered the better twin. Even when we were in the orphanage everyone liked her better than me. It might have been the fact that she was a really pretty girl or because the other kids were scared of me or something. I don't know, but it's all her fault.

She always blamed all the bad things that she did on me. At first, they weren't that bad, mainly just small things like breaking a plate or something. Then one day when we were six she did something huge. After that everyone just stopped being my friend and stopped hanging out with me.

Four years ago

I was playing with one of my friends, Brian. He was a year older than me but we have been friends for as long as I can remember. We did everything together. 

Right now we wanted to play on the big playground we had. There weren't many of us kids out here right now since the orphanage runs in groups.

So right now there were about ten of us outside. Anyways, Brian and I decided to do an obstacle course race. We even asked if one of the workers could time us and they said yes. 

We started the race from the entrance of the playground and we would end at the swings since no one used those 'cause half them were broken.

We decided that I would go first since I was smaller than him and that I could also get a head start because of it. The worker called out that she was starting the time. I got ready and started running toward the slide. When I got up there, Makayla was also there.

We were the only ones there and she looked at me as I climbed up.

"Hello, little brother." she said 'sweetly'

"Leave me alone." I said back

I didn't want to be up here with her. I knew that it wasn't going to end well for me. It never did, when I was with her. I saw her walking towards the opening, the one with the pole that you slide down. I looked at her strangely.

"What are you doing?"

"You'll see." She said smiling now.

All of a sudden, she turned to face me and fell back. I quickly ran over to the opening to see her on the ground holding her arm. I knew I should have just walked away. She always does stuff like this. This is the first major thing she has ever done though.

She was crying really loudly at this point. Some of the workers had ran over to her. I quickly ran back towards the small set of stairs and went down it so that I could see if she was okay. She may have been mean to me but she was still my sister, the only family that I had.

"What happened?" one of the workers asked.

"C-c-Cayden p-pushed me." she cried out.

Everyone turned to look at me.

"I d-didn't touch her, I-I wasn't even n-near her when it h-happened." I stuttered out.

"Who did it then Cayden No one else was up there with you guys?" The same worker said.

"I-I" I didn't know what to say.

They wouldn't have believed me if I said that she just jumped.


We were ten years old now and everyone still thinks I pushed her. I don't care anymore though because we got adopted about two years ago. Our 'parents' knew about what 'I' did but they had always wanted a girl but they didn't want to separate us or whatever.

I don't know why they took me though. I don't mean to sound ungrateful because yes they did give me money for things to take care of myself but that was because they were like famous lawyers or something. Like I was saying they never really did things for me like they did for my sister.

For example, Whenever they were home they always took her to go do something, like a shopping spree. Yeah, they gave me money but it would be nice if they at least offered for me to go with them. It's whatever though, that just means that I could save up for other things.

I could also study for school more. Not that I needed it not to brag or anything but I was pretty much a genius. In fact, I was already doing some eighth-grade work. My teachers knew that I was a very quiet kid and they didn't mind. They also didn't call on me in class since I was at the top of my class and I did work above my grade level.  I always stayed an hour after school so that they could make sure I knew everything without the other kids.

Which I did and always used a piece of paper to ask them if I could get extra work and they always give it to me. I was even able to learn a couple of other things in my free time. 

For example, I learned how to cook a lot of foods with the help of some of the maids and the chefs. Yes, I said maids, even though most of the house hasn't been used in a while.

I also learned how to play a few Instruments. I know how to play the guitar, drums and I can even play the piano. The last one was kind of challenging not gonna lie. Oh, and I learned a few languages. I know Italian. I know Spanish because I asked some of the maids to teach me and I know sign language. I'm also learning Russian.

Makayla however is dumber than a kindergartner. She is failing most of her classes and barely does anything for herself at home or in school. The only thing she ever really does is talk to all of her girl friends about boys and she always skips her classes to make out with them somewhere in the school even though we just turned ten. But apparently, our 'Parents' are constantly proud of her.

Honestly, though I don't even want to think about what would happen to her if we would ever have to go back to the orphanage for any reason. I would be so happy to see her back in that position. The one where she didn't get taken on random shopping sprees like every two weeks.

And here they come now. 

I do apologize if I offended anyone with the orphanage scene it wasn't my intention to. If you have any problem just tell me where I messed up. I have no idea how it works. And again I am sincerely sorry if I offended anyone.

Song: Bad Child by Tones and I

Thanks for Reading




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