body yada yada yada

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another day

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another day. another joint volleyball practice. today's different, though. sunday is the easy day out of the whole week, so there's only a joint game today.

your friends (including semi) were all on the floor just chatting when your captain, tsuna spoke up, "wait guys, aren't we doing that tiktok we were supposed to do?" she asked everyone.

ushijima looked at her with his regular stoic face, "you're right. but what dance are we doing? every dance is boring nowadays." he said, "what do you think, hashimoto-san?"

"uhhh," emiko looked up from her stretching, "o wait- how about the one that goes like this..." the girl stood up, "y/n-chan and i practiced this one."

"which one?" tendou asked, "show it."

emiko smirked, "you'll see."

"no- oh my god, miko, don't-"

"it's the one that goes, 'body yada yada yada yada'" emiko did the dance move, making everyone laugh, "then we'll send it to the student council so they can post it on instagram."

"BRUH," goshiki chuckled, "yes! we should do that!" the first year laughed, "it would be really funny. semi-san? shirabu-san?" the first year looked at his seniors.

"i'm fine with it, i guess." semi shrugged.

"if semi is doing it, then i'll do it as well." shirabu concluded.

"well the two guys who are least likely to do it said yes, so let's do it!" you beamed, standing up from your stretching position, "come on! up! up!" you clapped, signaling for them to stand up.

nakamura went next to you, "you're gonna go all out, right?" she asked.

"duh?" you giggled and she laughed back.

"with this dance, i don't think y/n can go all out," semi chimed in, "she has no ass." the gray head chuckled.

your jaw dropped in offense, "e-excuse me! i do! i've been doing thirty squats everyday! thirty!" you complained.

"for real? lemme see." the setter slowed his pace down and looked at your derrière as a joke, but earned a harsh slap to the chest from you, "OW- I WAS JOKING-"

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