Stark Home: Chapter 2

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3rd Person

"You're like me" the two spider-themed heroes exclaimed.

Peter was confused where did this other spider come from, who were they?

Gwen was scared, where was she? Who was this? Why was his voice familiar?

"Who are you?" They once again spoke at the same time. 

Peter's POV

"I'll go first...I guess." Peter started "I'm Spider-Man, are you from around here? What was that portal thingy?"

"Um.. Well, I'm Ghost-Spider or Spider-Women, whichever you prefer." 

Now standing up he saw that he was taller than her. His scanners said she was 5' 8", he was current;y 5'10", it was strange, he wasn't short per-say, but he rarely found someone that he was taller than.

 (A/N: I upped the MCU Spider-Mans height, Tom Holland is 5'8", but I'm starting 16-year-old Peter parker at 5'10", which is 16-year-old Spider-Man's usual height, Gwen is also upped in height, her character is usually 5'5" but this is a different Gwen.) 

"I actually don't know what the portal thingy was, where am I? I never heard of another spider person, so I'm curious." Ghost-Spider continued, he though Ghost-Spider was the better of the two names, it was cooler. 

"Oh, you're in New York, close to Queens. Where were you originally?" (A/N, fair warning I am not from New York, I've been only once, so I'm unfamiliar with its areas. Google Maps can only do so much.)

"That..that d-doesn't make any sense" She ran out of the ally, looked around, and seemed even more freaked out?

Gwen's POV

What is going on! This is not my New York! I turned to Spider dude, 

"What do you mean New York?! This where are all the screens, or the lights?"

He looked bewildered ", we're in the outer parts of the city, the more tech-rich parts are towards the middle, you have been to New York city before right?"

She scoffed, 'Have I ever been to New York? I lived in New York! and I'm pretty sure that even Queens had light-up billboards!' now that she thought about it if Spider-Man was based in New York. She decided to take a chance, probably a stupid idea. She rushed back into the ally so she wouldn't be seen by passing citizens...and pulled off her mask. 'Maybe he knows me, or he'll take off his mask, this is a huge risk' she turned towards Spider-Man, now maskless. His eye lenses were wide. 

"Wait...wait, Betty? your Ghost-Spider? When did you cut your hair, why are your eyes blue?"

'What?!' Gwen was now very confused, "No no, my name is Gwen, you don't know me?" 

He looked puzzled, but even with the eye mechanisms, it was hard to judge his emotions. 

", I've never met any Gwen before." He paused "You look very similar to a school friend of mine, Betty Brant" 'Betty! How on earth do I look like Betty?!'  last time she saw her Betty was a brunette. 

He continued "But you have differences, your eyes are blue and not brown, your face is a bit sharper, and your hair is cut short". 'What! the only similarities between her and Betty were their short hair! And he never mentioned a hair color difference!' 

"How about we go to Mr. Stark, we can get this all sorted out at home." Wait Stark, Tony Stark! (A/N universal differences in-coming PS I made them up) she said this next bit out loud. "But Stark! Stark was arrested for blackmail, assault, funding a terrorist organization a year ago, why would we go to him?!" 

Spider-Man stopped and turned around "Wait you've never heard of Iron Man!? And when was Mr. Stark ever in prison? A-alright look...we'll figure this out later just trust me". 

And strangely she did. 

-Line Break- 

Spiderman and Gwen had just arrived at a tall building, towards the edge of New York, Spider-Man had explained that this was the private home of Tony Stark. He also mentioned a bombing, but she had never heard of this, like ever. 

Spiderman ( A/N imma stop hyphenating it now) had just landed on a balcony and was walking up to the door, he pulled out a DID-card (Direct Identification Card), he said it was an ID-card, she looked at him like he was crazy. 

He scanned the card and the lock flashed a green light before the door opened. 

"Hello Peter," a female robotic voice said, which strangely had an accent. 'So his name was Peter?' she tried not to think of another Peter she had known. 

"Would you like me to inform Tony and Pepper of your presence?" The robotic voice continued. 

"Yes F.R.I.D.A.Y., thank you" Gwen looked at Peter. He shrugged and said, "That was FRIDAY, Mr. Starks AI, he built it to replace JARVIS, who became Vision." Gwen had no idea what a vision was, and AI! That was science fiction, scientists were no-where near that point yet. 

"Hey Peter, can I call you Peter? FRIDAY called you that, um just to be clear it is 2018 right?" Gwen had recently been thinking she had time traveled, no matter how weird it sounded. 

"Yeah, it is." That surprised her. "I know, AI's are relatively new, not many people have them, Mr. Stark was actually the first to invent one! Here look I have one I call her Karen, Karen say hello to Gwen, please?" He said the last bit hurriedly like he didn't want to offend a program...weird. 

"Hello Gwen, I am Peter's Inbuilt suit AI support system, Peter calls me Karen." another female voice said, this one a little different from the last, and had no accent. "Hello," she said smiling a bit Karen seemed nice. 

"Hey, Underoos!" Tony Stark came up their stairs, a tall woman with reddish-blonde hair following him. "Your home already, with a Girlfriend!" he seemed extremely excited with that bit, but put on a casual face, the women slapped his shoulder.

The women stepped forward "Peter who is this? And why does she look like another spider person?"

Peter seemed to look embarrassed but the mask made it hard to tell, "Um yeah this is Gwen, um she calls herself the Ghost-Spider, she came out of a portal and fell on me and we're both confused so I brought her here, maybe Mr. Stark and you Ms. Potts could help?" he said this really quickly, but Ms. Potts seemed to understand, and she smiled. 

"Peter we can help, lets go to the sitting room, you can get those masks off if you want, and we can talk" 

Gwen and Peter both nodded and walked with the couple downstairs to a very modern-looking sitting room." Gwen carefully sat down then removed her mask and hood. Stark and Ms. Potts turned to stare at her appearance. 

Peter then sat down close to her, and slowly, as if unsure, began to pull off his own red mask. 

Gwen gasped at his face, Curly brown hair, bright brown eyes, It was Peter, as in Peter Parker!

And she started to break down.



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