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Previously on The Flash's Daughter
Barry still hasn't told Kenzie about crisis but she does know he will disappear soon. Kenzie met her biological mother and bonded a little but when she left something happened.

That's what you missed on The Flash's Daughter.

I was down the street when I noticed that it was silent. Like a vacant street, I walked faster to get home but all of sudden it went Dark.........

I slightly opened my eyes to see that I'm not home and I can feel metal on my arms. I see a doll person in front of me pacing back in forth.

"Why am I here?" I asked him scared that I might die since i'm the end of a tall building.

"I needed some thing to motivate your father, you stay still or else you will be down there in a heartbeat crushed"  my eyes went wide when I looked down, I'm totally not afraid of heights or anything.... Hahaha yeah.

Many hours later....

I saw the doll villain got my Dad and knocked him out. What going to happen to us? I have never been more scared then I was now.
My breathing was now coming non-steady and I don't know how I could stop this. My dad got out of his knocked out slumber and saw me beside him, he must have since my trouble breathing because he whispered to me a few things like 'we're going to be okay' and things like that before we heard cracking sounds coming towards us by the Doll.

"Peter, you don't want to do this. Look, I know how you got your abilities. The night of the enlightenment, right? You were hit by a piece of the satellite, weren't you?" My dad said trying to talk his way out of things.

" Crushed! Snapped. Broken."

" Okay, well, I know people who can help you. People who could stop your suffering. "

"Suffering can't be stopped."

" Especially hers and the wife. " gesturing to me and talking about mom

" If you touch Iris or Kenz ..."

"Don't want to hear your pain. Only your wife's." coming closer to dad with their faces to be centimeters apart in a creepy non-romantic way.

" Let them go." My mom said hoping off of Ralph and pointing gun towards Peter.

" The wife. You fire, They die" he gestured to the idea of pushing chairs off.

"Okay. Okay. Just don't hurt them" my dropped her weapon on the ground. "Let them go"

"Okay" Peter doll guy said and pushed Dad and I off the Roof and my jumping after us.

"Barry, Kenzie" mom got to us and uncuffed Dads cuffs so that he grabbed us and ran us to the ground. Mom undid the cuffs on me and I hugged her tightly.

"Hey Kenz, it's okay your safe now" she rubbed my back trying to calm my breathing down and my dad joined in on our hug.

"Hey Kenz, it's okay your safe now" she rubbed my back trying to calm my breathing down and my dad joined in on our hug

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We stayed like that until we heard Nora's voice coming up behind us.

"Mom? Holy Schrap! You threw yourself off the buliding for Dad and Kenz"

"Yeah." Mom nodded and a breathe came out that she didn't was holding

"That was beyond schway.  You're crazy." Nora getting really excited.

" - I am."

" Thank you. I love you." Dad hugged mom and thanked her for being brave.

"I love you." Mom replied back. " Oh, my God. Ralph is still up there." She said realizing were not all down here.

" I hope I don't land on my keys!" We look up at ralph falling with the Peter the 'doll man'.

We headed back to Star labs to see everyone and they came and hugged dad and I, probably held me tighter since I'm only 13 and its very traumatic experience i went through.

"Iris West Allen, I know badassery when I see it and that was raw, unrefined, cage-free, non-GMO, badassery right there." Cisco came by mom and clapped excitedly as I sit down in my spinning chair.

" You dove off a building." Caitiln said.

"For me." Dad wrapped his arm around her and kissed her cheek.

" and Me" I said speaking up which made everyone snicker.

"Yeah, I guess I kinda did."

"What was going through you mind?" Nora asked me.

"' Uh, please, God, don't let me drop this key.'" Everyone laughed

" I mean, weren't you afraid You're not a speedster."

"No, I'm not. But my husband and my partner and my best friend is."

" Well, not to interrupt this wonderful moment that I just interrupted, but, you know, I helped defeat - that boneless bozo too. - Mm-hmm. It wasn't so easy. And that God, that mask. It's like one of those porcelain dolls that's gonna kill you while you sleep." Ralph Said getting kind of scared.

"I thought it was more like a ragdoll. Yeah, that's right. Still got it. Hold your applause. " Cisco said as he was leaving with Caitlin following, I turned my chair to look towards the door.

"Guess it's off to Iron Heights for slippery old ragdoll." Ralph soon left too and Nora was about to leave until mom called out to her.

"Oh, wait, you're you're leaving?"

"Yeah, um, there's something I need to do, but I'll be right back." Nora sped out of the lab which left Dad, Mom and I.  I was spinning in my rolling chair going around and around ignoring what my parents are talking about.

I was spinning and getting dizzier by each round when someone stops the spinning chair but now the room is spinning.

"Hey kenz, were heading home" It sound like dad's voice and I could see a couple of him.

"Okay, I don't know if I could walk though?" I said talking about me being dizzy.

"Come on, hope on my back" dad kneeled down, so I could hop on.

"Giddy up" I said waving one arm in a whip movement. My dad laughed at my actions and sped us home to the loft, I was going to bed since its been along day for any child to go through.

Hey guys!!!

Another Chapter is done!
Hope u enjoy.

Sorry for the wait everyone but it's been hectic lately but I'm back.

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