
Sometimes I wish to delete flower curse… or perhaps all of my works lol. Sometimes my cringy-awkward writing makes my head explode and delete myself from the planet. Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)
          	But I guess I just should enjoy writing, and stop being so harsh with it.
          	I’m thankful and happy you all like my works even when they are not that good. Just wanted to say that I’m grateful for all of your comments, even if I don’t reply, I sure see them lol. 
          	I’m still dealing with my stuff, and sorry I’m not good at updating. I wrote for myself at first (and to practice my english somehow), and the attention my works got really made me surprised! 
          	Idk. It just feels nice how you all are kind. Thank you!


I actually think you’re works are amazing! I love it <3


I’ve been following your writing for a while and I can tell you put a lot of effort into them.Plus you did writing for yourself originally so you shouldn’t feel pressured into updating.Hope everything goes well for you Noir.Usually I don’t comment but just wanted assured you.^ - ^


@DontYouUnderstand thank you  a lot for you words. it made me feel a lot better about myself... ✺◟( ᐛ )◞✺