in case you’ve been waiting to finish reading, TAEJA is officially a published novel! 
          	it’s currently available for preorder (ebook only. paperback will be available on release) and will be live August 22!
          	you can read more in this FAQ: https://www.wattpad.com/1359651237?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_reading&wp_page=reading_part_end&wp_uname=-ADAJAY-
          	thank you so much to those who love these characters as much as i do. your support has been greatly appreciated. ❤️


@ImmaculateRose thank you my luv ❤️❤️


@-ADAJAY- congratulations! I’ll be waiting on the paperback so I can put it right next to The Crossfire ❤️


in case you’ve been waiting to finish reading, TAEJA is officially a published novel! 
          it’s currently available for preorder (ebook only. paperback will be available on release) and will be live August 22!
          you can read more in this FAQ: https://www.wattpad.com/1359651237?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_reading&wp_page=reading_part_end&wp_uname=-ADAJAY-
          thank you so much to those who love these characters as much as i do. your support has been greatly appreciated. ❤️


@ImmaculateRose thank you my luv ❤️❤️


@-ADAJAY- congratulations! I’ll be waiting on the paperback so I can put it right next to The Crossfire ❤️


posting this here so i can stop repeatedly answering the same questions. i had a FAQ book dedicated to these answers, but it has since been unpublished because the answers in it were being ignored.
          >> crossfire: there’s a FAQ in last chapter
          >> HRT: book 1 & 2 are complete. book 3 won’t be reposted.
          >> Taeja: a/n in last chapter
          >> bruk / fall out: it isn’t worth risking my account possibly getting deleted in order to keep up these books.
          ^ the longer, detailed version of this post can be found in my discord server (link in bio)
          x Jay


Jay really and truly mnk if me can get bruk out personally but the book touch me yzt mnk how ya guh mek mi get eh but mi a beg uh pleaseeeeee me need eh back


There was this book starting out with two girls in primary school waiting on their results to go to high school they eventually outgrew each other and rekindled back in high school i cant find that book where is it?


I’ve been looking for it too. The author removed it when I was almost finished.