
If you Google Barbie, your Google turns pink and there's little star poppers!


If you Google Barbie, your Google turns pink and there's little star poppers!


Happy new year!! We're now living the year of avengers endgame.


@-mxrlin ugh ahhhhh why would you remind me 


@-mxrlin stop, just stop
            Happy new year


hi, its been a while, i dont even know if ur active but just checking up on u. Tell me how ur doing? i miss u❤


dude, dont stess out about updating at all, just take care of ur mental health and remember to drink a lot of water, love u <33


            Hello! I know I've been absent but I'm still here. I'm doing just fine. I miss it here I wanna come back. I've been in a horrible writing slump for months but last night I was writing a new chapter for Eunoia which I really want to get out this week. I can't promise anything new but I'm trying and still here


Star wars people, I'm gonna start watching the shows. Do you recommend I watch the clone wars?




I finally finished watching all the star wars movies. My final thoughts: the sequels are indeed trash, should've stopped watching the minute adam driver appeared, don't like the man. But I loved the porg, bb8 and poe. All in all, I enjoyed the star wars series, it was a fun adventure.


@-GhostGhaff- // whaatt?? I actually enjoyed the prequels. The only thing I didn't like was that they relied too much on cgi but other than that I liked them way more than the sequels 


@petqrsparker // I think I would have to go with the original three. Even if I already knew the big revelation I still enjoyed it because there were some things that I didn't see coming. But also I enjoyed revenge of the sith, also the ending of rogue one, it got me excited for episode IV. 
            As for my favorite character, I'm not sure. I mean the droids are funny, then there's Anakin and young Obi-Wan who are really pretty. Poe is also pretty when he was trolling Hux. Padmé is cool, I loved her outfits. I honestly don't know who my favorite character is. 


(@-mxrlin ) i'm glad! two questions, one: who's your favorite character?, two: what's your favorite trilogy?


I've seen star wars episodes I, II, III, Solo, Rouge One, episode IV, V, and VI. You're telling me I still have three more movies to go plus the shows? Too much star wars.
          Yes, I did tear up when Anakin was sliced and sautéed.


like 'how do you like your anakin?
            Sliced up and sautéed? or baked until it's turned to the dark side? And would you like it served on the high or low ground?"


sliced and sautéed oh my god 


            I’m tempted to say to not watch the sequels because of how bad they are. The only good parts are in the first movie and the cgi