
omg hi guys! i finally got a free summer (besides work) so imma try and get some updates going, so what do yall want updated?


omg hi guys! i finally got a free summer (besides work) so imma try and get some updates going, so what do yall want updated?


update: i have not completely abandoned dis app. i’ve just got a lot of things going on in my life but i will be pushing out updates around may. (yes, trust is coming back, the ending to west coast (with the possibility of a revamped version), and a book i’ve been secretly working on will be getting some updates with it too)! :)


@-stokeleyswifey- can't wait fa ur update ❤️


We love you girl


HEYYY do u remember when you were on inkitt??? there was this other girl named DABRAT do u by any chance know her wattpad name??? i wanted to read her stories


@1xniyah15 she became a bxg writer. her new @ is @WICKSWHORE


aight yall, some of these books is making it to twitter now LMFAOOOOOOOOO


aight, my silence has gone on too long. i’m cookin sum in the drafts i SWEAR

