
Hello everyone, i know it's been a long while, but please wish me luck for tomorrow cause well, there's going to be a prom tomorrow and I'm dying of praying i can dance my crush, and the color theme of our prom is Red, so red for Love ❤️


Hello everyone, i know it's been a long while, but please wish me luck for tomorrow cause well, there's going to be a prom tomorrow and I'm dying of praying i can dance my crush, and the color theme of our prom is Red, so red for Love ❤️


I changed my profile since I'm in my "The Hunger Games" Renaissance Era, just the right time i finish the sequel and now my mom is into it, and I don't know if I'm marrying a baker but Peeta Mellark changes the whole category of being "just" a baker....hihihi damnnnn that baker boyyyyy


Just got back on wattpad after a little while, thank u so much for following me lovely hope ur having a great day/night and i hope ur okay and eating well 


@AmandaHeka this is so late for a reply, been busy these days, and you're welcome, i wish hope you have a great day as well, and thank you for the good vibe girly


I am honestly down into the rabbit hole of being a fan of the Hunger Games like legit, and also i just love the way they construct the four movies, and mostly i adore the Everlark ship i am definitely screaming and blushing everytime they kiss or even have a close contact to each other, they literally deserve to be in peace in the meadow...
          P. S.- I want you guys to interact with me, starting from the topic of The Hunger Games ❤️


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Oh my fucking drama, it's a hundred already!!!!!, It's a fucking 100k reads my very first book, oh my God, I can't take this anymore, I'm proud at the same time glad i reach this number of reads to my book, i thank you to those darlings who read and support my book and me the author, i adore all of you so much, continue to read and enjoy my book cuz it isn't finish yet...
          For the spilling of the tea part i dreamt last night that i met Aidan and somehow he invited to his house and became friends after, but then saw his calendar that the day 21 is the release of his album, I don't know what month but i know and clear the day was 21.
          I can't i just can't believe i reach a hundred reads, love you all my Baby-lemon's, spread love and hoping to update for you all this Valentine's.
          And also love Aidan's new haircut, and it just reminds me that the TUA is ending, huhuhu, I'm going to cryyyyyyy, send comfort.


hello , hello my dear Baby-lemon's, i just watched Aidan's recent video which is an unboxing and the pure highlight of it for me was hearing Mommy Lauren's voice for the first time, her voice is sweet and cute, gosh loving Aidan's parents forever, anyways i might and will publish something on Valentine's day be sure to watch fpr it cuz it's coming up, can't wait for it, love you all, mwahhhh♥️❤️


Now I'm having an idea that is ridiculous to say but I'm going to confess to my crush on the New Year since it's his birthday, if he also confess too well good luck to me, and if he don't I'm just going to say it was just a dare
          P. S-Is it a stupid idea, i need opinions 


@la_child_rue actually i forgot to spill this tea, but since you asked, i was rejected and honestly i don't feel bad about it, it's okay for me, maybe his love isn't for me, there is someone out there that really for me, so yeah no big deal, acceptance is the key


Did you do it?? Sorry i just saw this lol


@AJ061405 how did it go???


Guys i have the most close contact (physically) to my crush from my high school years, and we took a picture with each other he was cosplayed as Peter Pan.
          P. S- "Trying to change the ending Peter losing Wendy-Cardigan


@MazeRunner060 so tru girl, loving the song so much


@AJ061405 i love cardigan taylor swift one of her best songs