
Hello, hello!
          	I am excited to announce that I have posted the prologue for the sequel to, "The Day(s) I Died." I'm thrilled to have you join Vivian on another emotional journey in, "The Day(s) I Lost." Grab a friend, a pack of tissues, several shots of espresso, a blanket, and let's get going!


Hello, hello!
          I am excited to announce that I have posted the prologue for the sequel to, "The Day(s) I Died." I'm thrilled to have you join Vivian on another emotional journey in, "The Day(s) I Lost." Grab a friend, a pack of tissues, several shots of espresso, a blanket, and let's get going!


My favorite book on Wattpad is your "The Day(s) I Died" book.  Will there be a sequel or epilogue anytime soon?  Thank you for creating such a wonderful book for me to read.


@StingrayRoo07 I'm so glad you enjoyed! Yes, I have written a sequel and am in the editing phase--I am hoping to start posting in April or May, but will announce it here and my Instagram whenever it is time. Thank you for taking the time to read my work!


I discovered you from your piece, "The Day(s) I Died" and have read the rest of your work. I love your characters and the stories you write!


@birdsbees121 Thank you so much for your support! I am so honored that you took the time to read my books. I should be posting a sequel to "The Day(s) I Died," soon, and hope that you will enjoy that one as well!


Hey there! Reader here from the Philippines. Thank you so much for creating your masterpiece titled 'The day(s) I died'. The experience while reading your book was like a roller coaster ride and I freaking love it! I have to confess that I read it while on offline so I come back to reread it and vote every chapter. I honorably pay my dept on one of your masterpiece because it deserve it. I'll recommend this story all of my friends here in the Philippines. Love lots!  


@Ms_Angelic_voice I'm so sorry that I'm only just now replying to this! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and vote on my work. I'm so appreciative of your kind words! I am planning to post a sequel to that novel at some point this year--hope you are able to read it!


Hi. Will there be a second book of the days i died? 


I’m so sorry for the late response! I don’t know how I missed this. There will be a sequel at some point. I started working on it this year, but not sure how long it will take. I will keep you posted; thank you for reading the first book! 


Hello, hello, and happy Sunday! Good news, the first chapter of my newest story, "The Expansion of the Universe," has been posted for your reading pleasure! Come on over and take a read, why don't ya? (but actually no pressure--you do you, honey-boo) Stay lovely, peeps!


Well, it's official: "I Like You a Latte" is now complete. Haven't read it yet? Now's the time! ;) Once you finish reading, you can join me in crying over the fact that it's over . . . Stay tuned for future works!


@CenturyLostToMemory Me too! Hopefully we'll fall just as in love with our next couple, though. ;)


@ARDewler im crying damn im gonna miss griffin and bev!!!!


are you still writing the book "The Day(s) I die)?


@ARDewler thank you! I usually only read books on here that are finished. I'll try to check out your website


@Pearl_emma1 That book is complete! The entire finished work can be read for free and without an account on my website ( I confess that I have gotten lazy in updating it on this platform--I'll upload a new chapter today for you, though!