Hi everyone! How are you guys doing? I know it's been like forever since the last time I update my works. I just wanna apologize for leaving you guys hanging for so long. A lot has happened last year and this year so I wasn't able to release a new chapter for Elites until today. After Uni, I was busy with work and moving out to the city so and more personal stuff. But now that I have the time I wanted to give you guys a new chapter since I also really want to finish Elites until the end. Hopefully, it wouldn't take long for the next one so, fingers crossed!
          	But for now, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Till next time!


@AVVIERY it's been like 3 months since you last updated author, just take your time we're willing to wait until you update again soon take care and stay safe!


Hi everyone! How are you guys doing? I know it's been like forever since the last time I update my works. I just wanna apologize for leaving you guys hanging for so long. A lot has happened last year and this year so I wasn't able to release a new chapter for Elites until today. After Uni, I was busy with work and moving out to the city so and more personal stuff. But now that I have the time I wanted to give you guys a new chapter since I also really want to finish Elites until the end. Hopefully, it wouldn't take long for the next one so, fingers crossed!
          But for now, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Till next time!


@AVVIERY it's been like 3 months since you last updated author, just take your time we're willing to wait until you update again soon take care and stay safe!


Hey guys! Just a little update, I'm sorry if I haven't been active these past weeks. I really wanna update my books but work has been keeping me so busy that I rarely have time to write anymore. 
          Hopefully, one of these days I would have time to get back to writing again and update my pending books. 
          Anyways, thank you very much for your continuous support and understanding. I really appreciate all of it!
          Thank you and have a great day ahead! 


Hello guys! Are you still there? (。・ω・。)ノ♡
          So sorry for being MIA in soooo long!
          I just graduated from Uni and was super busy these past weeks that I don't have time to write and update my books. ಥ‿ಥ
          But now that I have lesser things to do since I just finished school, I will try my best to update again! 
          Thank you for your patience and support! Love you all!
          Also, to all my fellow Filo peeps. A super typhoon is on the way so please do take care and keep safe. (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃


@AVVIERY I loved the chapter cant wait for more


OMG u guys! ELITES has reached 30k reads already! Wow!
          When I first wrote this fic, I wasn't really expecting a number of readers and followers to continuously support the story and patiently wait for my updates. So when it first reached 1k, I was really surprised! But most of all, seeing people appreciate my work kept me motivated and delighted to bring a new and exciting chapter each time!
          I'm not really sure how many chapters this fic will be, but I hope that you guys will stick with me and my fic till the very end!
          Thank you guys for your love and support!
          Much love, Ai