
Hey there. :) Would anyone like to leave votes and feedback on my AU Cobra Kai stories “Bullied Before Her Birthday” and “Shining Star”, please? I’d really appreciate it. :)


Hi! Any opinions on these ideas for Zion and Demetri making up or any other ideas you have?:
          1) Johnny locks them in a section of the warehouse training for Eagle Fang until they agree to get along
          2) Eli facilitates an understanding convo between them (with a lot of patience)
          3) Demetri approaches Zion with a genuine apology where they sit down and talk
          4) something else where they’re tricked and trapped until they actually come to an understanding
          They don’t need to end up as close friends. The misogyny and tension between them needs to dissipate enough that they can be on the same team without a lot of problems 


@AbbyWatson4 ooh okay cool! I'm struggling with getting to the point where they agree to sit down together, but I have some ideas to play around with. Thank you for the input!


@starglaee Hmm. Well, I’d pick either number 2, or number 3 in this case. I like the idea of Eli talking some sense into both of them, as well as Demetri gently approaching Zion with an apology — and a genuine one at that. Plus, I can see Demetri recalling how he’d forgiven Eli when Eli switched sides during the LaRusso house fight and saved him from getting his arm re-broken before he’d apologized for all the bullying he put Demetri through, and then wishing he’d done the same for Zion when he sees how Zion works hard to show she’s sorry for all the mistakes she made during her time in Cobra Kai and vows to be a better person in the process. :)


Thanks for the birthday wishes yesterday; I highly appreciate them — I really do. :)


@AgentofDreams989 It certainly was, and thanks. I highly appreciate you and your kind words as well. :)


@LauraBa1 Actually, I’d vote for either a birthday hug, or a nice birthday card, or maybe both. :)


@AbbyWatson4 Sorry I'm a bit late, but happy birthday! I hope it was filled with lots of love, happiness, and appreciation :)


Today’s my birthday. Please send me birthday wishes; I’d highly appreciate it. :)


@AbbyWatson4 Happy birthday bestie yesterday


@HunterHall478 Thanks. It comes from the heart, and it means a lot to me, too. :)


@starglaee Thank you. I highly appreciate you and your kind words as well. :)


I can see Jacob Bertrand playing his own version of Daryl Van Horne in a different film version of the book “The Witches of Eastwick” by John Updike. However, Jacob’s Daryl would be more modern-day (since Jacob did say he has that villain mindset in an interview I saw on YouTube, so I can definitely see him playing a villain with magical powers in a sense). :)


We are true friends, 
          We ride together, we die together
          Send this to everybody you care about, including me if you care
          See how many times you get this
          I want you to know that you are an amazing friend, till death
          Once you read this letter, you must send this to 15 people
          If you get at least three back, you are loved 
          Love, DarthJader