
Happy Easter everyone!


@Alexaslowell I understand, we all have a lot of baggage when it comes to our lives.


@Precureofhope147 I didn’t forget. Just been going through a lot in my personal life. Complicated emotional stuff.


I just finished reading your newest chapter for Kingdom hearts story and a while ago while I was listening to the new Kamen Rider theme and I just thought of a custom spell that my character could have that could have that he uses a few times during birth by sleep and it could appear in radiant garden like Luna could use her ability that appeared in the newest chapter to like find them senses this hidden power in my character and the spell could be used for different things, and so I found a short version of the kamen rider blade opening with English subtitles
          So I hope you could add it away for a response to tell you what the spell is called and what it can do to do


Still a work in progress. It would help if you could explain what this spell does and what it’s called. That would help me get a better idea on how to add it in.


Question about your kingdom heart story like why my character introduces this is insert themes like songs that play during like major moments that aren't openings or ending song are you going to do like more detail fights


@Alexaslowell and I found a short version of the kamen Rider blade opening with English subtitles


@Alexaslowell I am reading your news chapter for your Kingdom hearts story and a while ago after listening to a new theme insert theme for Kamen Rider I just thought of like a custom thing like spell that my character could have that I can use a few times during BBS and it could appear in radiant garden like Luna uses that ability she has to search for my character so maybe he can get separated from ven and Luna and when she finds him senses something different and the spell can be used for different things like protection and attacking and healing but it if that's a huge strain on the user


@digimonking49 When it gets to that point, I'll try my best. But I make no promises on how it'll turn out.


Don’t forget to wish me a happy birthday.


@Alexaslowell I’m sorry to hear about that, but thank you. Take care and get well soon.


@gruvermom69 Happy Birthday. Sorry, but I’ve got a cold.


Dear writer, I ask your permission to translate your scooby doo story, the mystery begins, I would like to bring it to the Spanish-speaking wattpad community because there are literally no scooby doo fanfics. You'll have all the copyright, I'll just translate it. I kindly ask for your permission to translate it ^^. 


How are your adventures in Pandora?


I also finished playing FF7 Rebirth just yesterday.