
Happy new year, my loves! 
          	Thank you so much for your support this year! I had so much fun making The Sea Siren and I hope you guys enjoyed the romance and twists and turns as much as I did making them! 
          	The sequel is in the planning phase—I’m taking a break in order to follow an idea that’s been on my mind for two years now! It’s a new story which I’ll be letting you guys know about very soon! ❤️
          	Here’s a little hint: if you go to my Instagram, my most recent tattoo is going to be this books lovers and I couldn’t be more excitedddddd! ;) 
          	I hope you all have the BEST 2024 you can possibly have!!! Manifest everything you want!!!! I am so grateful to every single one of you and I cannot say it enough. 
          	So much love,
          	Alicia xoxoxoxo 


@ AliciaMarino  Happy New Year!!!!!