
Dear everyone,
          	I trust this message reaches you in good health. It is with a heavy heart that I share the challenging news of my recent loss - my grandfather has passed away, and the grief has been overwhelming, making it challenging to process and navigate daily life.
          	In light of these circumstances, I feel the need to take some time to heal and gather my thoughts. While writing has always been a source of solace, I find myself temporarily stepping back before continuing with the next chapter of my life. It's essential for me to regain my footing before proceeding.
          	Your understanding and support during this trying time would mean the world to me. Thank you for being there.


@Amaira_52k will talk once you are ok.. take care


Dear everyone,
          I trust this message reaches you in good health. It is with a heavy heart that I share the challenging news of my recent loss - my grandfather has passed away, and the grief has been overwhelming, making it challenging to process and navigate daily life.
          In light of these circumstances, I feel the need to take some time to heal and gather my thoughts. While writing has always been a source of solace, I find myself temporarily stepping back before continuing with the next chapter of my life. It's essential for me to regain my footing before proceeding.
          Your understanding and support during this trying time would mean the world to me. Thank you for being there.


@Amaira_52k will talk once you are ok.. take care


Heyy, I'm really sorry for disturbing you but it's a request if you can checkout my story as I'm new writer here in Wattpad  and do vote thank you 


@Dellutionalfiction hello, I would love to check out your story, but I'm so sorry to inform you that I'm not a reader. I only write content. I hope you understand. Wishing you all the best wishes on this journey of yours ❤️